Monday, October 27, 2008

Relaxing & Painting with Bond, James Bond


Well. Sorry am late. It was such a quiet weekend that I couldn’t drag myself away from my James Bond book…….. Really. Honest. After how exciting last weekend was, well, this weekend didn’t rate on the scale. But it was an otherwise fine and dandy week. Slow to start, and then next thing we were having after-work drinks in the pub Friday evening!

So work. Yep. Is good. Sent my big project to the printing house today. So that’s one off my desk! It’s funny, whenever these projects finally get wrapped up, all the little projects that were waiting in the wings, well, they kinda grow while they were waiting. But the good thing is that I can devote more attention to them and thus watch them grow and flourish! Hooray for work! Here’s to fingers, toes, arms, legs, everything crossed that my little contract gets renewed when my boss comes back from his vacation in the middle of November. I’m due to expire at the end of December….. eeeeek! Here’s hoping! So yes, work, is good. Not as crazy busy as it was, which is good. Means I can focus more. But I do rather like being busy. Sure makes the time shoot past!

And then it was the weekend. Ahhhhh. Am still sunburned from last weekend. Yeah. Lesson learned. Do they make a factor 50 sunscreen???? But yes, the weekend started off on the right foot Friday evening with drinks after work, but we were very good and left just as the sun was setting. Then Saturday was up with the sun (well, maybe slightly just after. I mean, it is rising at 4.59am and getting earlier as we go) to go get mah hair cut. It’s funny having such short hair cos you really notice when it starts to do its own thing. And I don’t have much hair at this point so I don’t quite know how after she cut it, it could get any shorter! But there it is and it looks cool. Very short. Halle Berry short. I love it. But am going to grow it out a bit just for something different.

See what I mean about the weekend being pretty dull? Am talking at length about getting my hair cut (no pun intended).

And then I ran around the Logan Hyperdome. Don’t ask me what a Hyperdome is exactly. They do that in the UK too – call malls and supermarkets Hyperdomes ('course, 'Supermarket' must be the same thing.... hmmm). But not all malls here are called Hyperdomes. And this one wasn’t any bigger than, say the Chermside Mall – and that mall is massive, and it's just a 'mall'. So anyway, after getting the hair cut I wandered around the mall- sorry, Hyperdome (cos have never been there and wanted to see what a Hyperdome was all about) and did manage to spend a little bit of money. Not too bad. I did need a new purse after all, one that actually holds my book, water, mp3 player (with headphones), etc. Then it was back into town for a trip to the library (gotta stock up on mah James Bond books!) and by then it was more than enough running around and time for home where the wine lives.

And then Sunday. I was good and got a fair bit of painting done. It really is a
chore that keeps on going, but am only working away at it a bit at a time and it is all the trims of the windows, bathroom, doors and then I have to do a bit of highlighting (cos I just can’t do this by half), then the edges of the walls where the rollers didn’t get, and then I want to go through and do all the doors with the same white as the apt. I know it’s a massive effort for such a dumpy little place and no return from the landlord, but I really don’t mind. It makes the place look so much better, brighter and fresher. I don’t care how much it cost and how long it’s taking! Plus, I love painting, so there.

So there it is. See? Told you. Wasn’t really worth writing about. But here I am. It was a good and quiet weekend overall. Besides, I should really start getting into lockdown mode so I can save for An Adventure. Tho I do need a fridge….. maybe a microwave…… an iron…… Hmmm. So yes. C’mon down, the weather’s been absolutely fantastic!!!!!!!


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Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...