Sunday, April 06, 2008

Yawns are Free in Dullsville!


Well. That was an interesting week. Pretty fast though. Good week!

So work. Yeah. New job is good.... not sure what I'm supposed to be doing exactly, neither does anyone else, but the people I've met, that I'm meant to be working with, seem pretty excited to have me there to help once they figure out what I can actually help with! It took a little while to settle in; I didn't get a desk and a chair until Tuesday, and a computer and a phone until Thursday. So, now that I've got stuff, I just need stuff to do! I imagine this week we'll get to it...... I sure get bored trying to look busy. I've even asked the two gals I work with to give me stuff to help them with! But otherwise, the plans they have for my job sound pretty interesting and helpful. Something about helping to liaise between "content experts" (people who know stuff from doing it) and the editing gals for the bigbigbig 'Operations Doctrine' which is The Manual for urban firefighters that tells them how to do their job. That's my basic understanding of what my job might be. Either way, I'll work with a lot of new and interesting people, and I really look forward to that. And I'll learn a lot too! Hooray!

Otherwise, that's about it. Quiet weekend. Very quiet. Ran around a bit Friday night with Young Christine, she was on a mission to buy a Mac laptop and I was after a couple sets of towels. We walked away with what we came for! Hooray! And then Saturday was pretty quiet - laundry, reading, etc. The seasons are changing and cooling off, and with starting the new job and all that, I was pretty damn tired this week. Really tired. So just wanted to relax this weekend. So far so good!

And today has been really quiet, course it's been raining off and on most of the day. But did manage to get off the couch for a bit to meet Natasha at the pub so she could have her roast lunch (I just stayed with wine). Then she headed home and I went to the grocery store. See? It's bloody painfully boring trying to save money! But, in all fairness to me, I needed a couch and a chair, now am saving for, well, numerous things, but a lamp or two and a rug are definitely on the list. All I can say is saving sucks. Especially now that I'm seriously thinking of going into real debt to buy a car. We'll see. Have to save 3 pay stubs to show that I actually earn something. So when I get those together (with the new pay rate $$$!), I'm going to go through a broker to get my butt a car. They know better what they're doing than me. Young Christine went through one to get her car and she said it was really good and dead easy. So now want to save for that! Sheesh! Must win the lottery! Gosh, maybe I would if I bought a ticket now and then!

So yes. It's been Dullsville this weekend. Sorry. I'm sure there's something exciting around the corner soon! Will plan on it! So yes, I hope you're all well up there! And hey, apparently Virgin Blue now has cheap flights from LA to Sydney - go get one and c'mon down!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...