Well. Another week…. Another weekend…. Same ol stuff really. Tho I’m pretty sure we get this coming Friday off for Anzac Day (Veterans Day)…. Hope it’s this Friday. Could do with an extra day off.
So yeah. Work. Is good. Slowly, very slowly, but surely, figuring out what I actually do. Had a really long meeting Friday afternoon that was reallyreally good. But as far as actual real work……. Ehhh, nothing yet. There are a couple things I’m keeping my eye on, but not much I can do at the moment. But hey, I really dig it, it’s a gig that I can make my own, so we’ll wait and see how it pans out. Cool!
And the weekend. Yaaaaaaaaawwwwwwnnnn. I’ve done absolutely not much at all. Am scared to
And today, chores. But I've had to do a really thorough job this time, another "inspection" from the real estate agency on Tuesday. Man, I’ve only been living here 8
Otherwise, all’s well. Kona is good, he’s two now. I let him out on the weekends to patrol the perimeter of the apartment complex (it’s not big at all) and occasionally he brings me a skink (lizard). The weather is lovely, nothing like fall in NYC! Hooray! The guy across the street is well and truly insane, as demonstrated this morning by his weekly tantrum/nuclear meltdown, this time because a cab driver mistakenly (very mistakenly I’d say) threw a piece of trash into his yard… Well, let’s just say the police had to come and help calm him down....… Ahhhhh, yes, all is right with the world!
So there it is. Dull but true. Hope you’re all well up there! C’mon down!
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