Sunday, April 27, 2008

3 Days for Veterans, Hair and Fashion


Well. Pretty speedy week. Course, it helped to have Friday off for Anzac Day (like Veteran's Day). It's kind of neat to have a holiday on a Friday. And apparently, we get this coming Monday off for Labor Day! Hooray! Tho I have to say, they sure bundle up their holidays. I think we went like 3 months maybe between holidays? Hmmm. Really, if those Romans were thinking, instead of drinking wine and eating grapes in the bathtub, they'd have come up with more holidays. At least one a month.

So work. Yeah. It's good. Wishing for more stuff to do, but am not complaining. I have a feeling a gig like this takes time to grow. It's going really well tho. It has much potential! Just wish that potential would hustle!

And yeah, the 3 day weekend! Did the chores on Friday. Maaaaan, the weather has broken and has finally turned to good, warm, breezy, bright and sunny days, with lovely cool nights. No more rain and overcast! Ahhhh bliss! Hooray for the little scooter! I can actually start racking up the kilometers/miles! So yeah, chores were pretty easy with the weather co-operating. Saturday, went with Natasha for a haircut. Man, having short hair now means having to visit the hair shop more often. That's ok tho. It keeps it different. And man she's cheap! She's quite a hike, at least a half-hour bus ride to Springwood, but for $30 bucks versus $85 here in town? I'll take the bus for 4 hours if I have to! And she does a fantastic job too. Bonus!

And today, I must confess, I shopped for clothes. I never shop. But I did today like I'd won the lottery. Honestly, you shoulda seen the state of my closet. A gal can only get so many miles out of one suitcase full of clothes over two + years. Plus, I have no "winter" clothes. Tee hee. Winter here means it gets down to 50 at night. Ooooh. Burrrrr. And they're so funny, they sell hats and scarves and gloves almost like they're expecting polar bears to rock across their front lawns. Ahhhhh, nothing will ever be cold after living in NYC! Nothing! So yes, I now have new clothes. It's nice. And some shoes. Hooray! Won't have to do that again for a while now!

And that's it. Slightly dull, but I have new clothes, so I don't care how dull you think things are down here! Nothing's dull when you have a closet full of new clothes and a coupla pairs of squeaky new shoes! And if you're that bothered by the constant and utter dullness, get your butt down here and let's go on some adventures! Heck, my Mommy is the first one out of the gate! So, c'mon down! I'll keep the light on for ya!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK... I let it go a couple of weeks ago when you said none of us have been there to see you. Now you say your mom will be the first to visit. Have you completely blocked out the couple of days Scarlett and I were there? True, it wasn't specifically to visit you, but we were there none the less. Maybe in your next shameless attempt to get visitors, you can put an asterik. You don't even have to explain what it means. It can be out little secret that means 'Oh yeah, Sheldon and his wife Scarlett came down. We had a really good time. Alot of the pictures you see on my sight were taken while they were here.'
How about it?

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...