Well. What. A. Week. Crazy, man. It was a very good week, but crazy.
So work. Yeah. I GOT THE JOB! Well, the job at my work but in another dept (still with the Fire & Rescue Service). I had to apply like everyone else (just submitting only my resume) and I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am now gainfully employed, hell, even more gainfully with the pay raise(!!!!)! At least until June, "with the possibility of extension", with promises that I’ll be extended. Cooool man! So. I start that tomorrow. So far I have no desk, chair, computer, phone, etc. Which is fine. I have to go in at 9am tomorrow instead of my usual 7.45am (it’s the time the decent buses run), but, tomorrow is meant to be absolutely beautiful weather – so that means SCOOOOOOTER! So will of course be on time, if not early……!
But yeah, the week was fantastic otherwise. Half days for most of the week, doing not a whole hell of a lot of actual work. I
And then there was the weekend. Saturday started bright and early as Natasha and I were off to
And then today I was up with the sparrows again. Cleaned like a gal possessed and hooray! had
So there it is. Busybusybusy but good. Ooooooh, first day jitters! But, really, hooray for even having a first day to go to! Yeeeaaa! So will certainly keep you posted how the new gig is going! Fingers crossed!
And that’s that! So yeah, anyone considering coming down for a visit, c’mon down! The weather is turning absolutely gorgeous! Nice and dry too – 27% humidity… yeah. Niiiiice! Hooray for autumn! So c’mon down! I’ll leave the light on for ya!
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