Sunday, March 09, 2008

Work It, Work It!


Well. That was a busy week. They seem to be getting busier for some strange reason. Hmm. There was a weekend in there somewhere but I wouldn't have known it because I worked! Gasp! Shock! Horror! Breaking Cardinal Work Rule #3!

So yeah. Work. Is really good, but bloody busy. No time for anything except, well, work! And even then it's 'which bit of this project should I concentrate on today'? Sooooo busy. I like it, but man! And then I offered to help Young Christine over this weekend to supervise a film shoot for a training DVD the rural fire service (us) is putting together for volunteers to help them realize how great the training can be, etc etc etc. So that was Saturday in Boonah (just outside of Ipswich by about 1/2 an hour, west of Brisbane) and today was a half-day at Maleny (about an hour+ north of Brissy). Basically all we did was stand around and watch the 3 person film crew film volunteers being trained and do a few interviews with said volunteers. It sounds yawn, but it was REALLY interesting. If I could, I'd join a local fire brigade as a volunteer. It's damn interesting and really useful. So yeah, even tho I was "working" it was really interesting and, well, you know how I love an adventure that involves anywhere outside of my block!

And yeah. That's really about it. I just put my head down and worked all week (and weekend). I think I get two days off as compensation for this weekend, but we'll find out. Hope so cos am tired and the little apartment needs a run over with the vacuum! Oh, and speaking of the little apartment - I am now the proud owner of Contents Insurance! It's exciting for me because I've never really had anything worth insuring. But now with $1,500 worth of furniture (and stuff), plus the little laptop and camera etc, yeah. I'd be crushed if it went up in flames or out the window into some dude's trunk. So now am covered! Whew! AND, I bought and rigged up galvanised wire bird mesh to keep Kona in the house. He's become a pro at escaping and thus annoying me. So I rigged up two windows so far and man, that cat ain't going anywhere! It sounds kinda mean or extreme but I don't want him to be an outdoor cat. I only have 5 more months to go here and then hopefully the next place will have a nice breezy balcony that murderers can't get on but that Kona can chill out on at will (and not escape). Yeah.

So that's that! Am beat. Am tired. And can't believe the weekend is over already! But hey, at least a couple of mini-adventures were had! Hooray! Note to self - must get out more, it's a very pretty state I live in............. So c'mon down! The weather is only getting better!


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