Monday, March 03, 2008

I Am Now Modern & Art!


Well. Sorry for the delay. Busy weekend. No time to write. Busybusybusy spending money! But yes, I've been saving up my hours at work to be able to take a day off - today - so I could get some, well, sleep, running around, and to go see the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Gallery of Modern Art. And now here I am! Whew!

So yeah. The week. It was good. It seems that the closer I get to the end of my contract at work (end of this month, so that's like, what, 4 weeks? Egads), the busier I am and the more stuff they think of to give me! Don't get me wrong tho, I still really dig it! See, I still haven't forgotten the last gig I had before this one - and with that thought constant in my mind, I will always love this gig no matter how hard the office politics try to drag me into it's vortex or how much work they heap on me - it's been one of the best office gigs I think I've had in years. I mean c'mon, I got my degree in Film & TV Production with a theatre & tv production employment background - what the hell was I supposed to do in Officeland? Well, short of something to do with Film, TV or Theatre production I suppose, but, rent must be paid until that perfect production-office gig appears! Yes, note to self - the end is neigh, must look for work and even harder for a production-office gig, if they exist...........?!

And then The Weekend. HOORAY - I have furniture! Real furniture! AND I have choices of which bit of real furniture to sit on! GASP! SHOCK! SURPRISE! Yes! I'm modern and now semi-furnished! YA-HOOOOOO! So I shanghaied Julian (used to work with him at Southbank, helped me move to this little place and donated a large part of his garage to help me furnish said little place) into taking me to Ikea first thing Saturday morning to buy a couch, chaise and chair with footstool. And bless him, he even helped me to put it all together (being Ikea, it came flat-packed and in pieces). I can't tell you why I'm so over the moon about having a coupla sticks of furniture. Maybe it's because they're, technically, the very first pieces of real matching furniture I've ever purchased on my own. Maybe it's because I'm getting old, I don't know. All I know is I love them. They're very simple, very basic and very white. Not sure if I've done the right thing by buying white furniture, but thank god I don't have kids nor know anyone that does! Otherwise we'd all have to sit outside. It's bad enough that the cat has fur. Must by cover-blankets. Mmmmmmm and with winter coming (today is the second day of Autumn), I get to huddle on my couch with blankets - novelty! Ahhhhh, I guess I'm just really happy to have them because they look cool, they're comfy (or will be once I sit on them a while), they don't have anyone else's cooties on them but mine, and the covers are all washable. Hooray!!!!!!

And yesterday, Sunday, I met Natasha and we covered almost every square inch of the [good end] of The Valley (where A&W Rootbeer and drug addicts come from - the good end is where Ferrari's and high-end leather furniture comes from), looking for furniture. She ended up buying, for a screaming deal, a solid wood coffee table. I bought nothing, now that I have moths in my bank account until 8 days from now. But I got all kinds of ideas - mainly that of how to acquire more money to buy said nice things. Sigh. Oh well. In time I'll be furnished. I know this is one of the downsides to not staying in one place, especially if that one place involves another continent! But gee, now that I think I'll have to get contents insurance, guess I'll be staying a while! So c'mon down! So anyways, by the time I got home from our running around, had a shower, something to eat, glass of wine, it was almost 8pm! But I knew I'd have time today, Monday, to catch up, so here I am!

So yeah. Went to run a couple more errands this morning and then went to go check out the Andy Warhol exhibit at the Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA). I've been wanting to go since it arrived in Dec. I really liked it. For one ironic thing, you weren't allowed to take photographs of any kind in the gallery. Ironic because the guy made a name for himself after taking his ideas/art from commercial/existing people/pop culture. Hmmmmmm anyways, couldn't take photos, which was kind of a shame but no problem (I mean, for cryin out loud, this is the age of the internet, you can find any and all minute pieces of his art online). I even signed up for a guided tour. It was very interesting. I mean, I remember growing up with his art in the 80's, and I was pretty pop culture aware (to a point, I'll admit) so he was everywhere. If I remember right, he was more of an icon than his actual art! But speaking to Cindy, briefly this afternoon, she pointed out that they didn't hear much about him down here even in his heyday. So it was interesting. I always really like going to these retrospective collections, especially if they're of artists I never either really liked or knew much about. Gotta learn something new everyday!

And that's about that! Busy! Productive! Hooray! So I hope you're all well up there!? Drop a line and c'mon down - I have furniture that you can sit and sleep on! Hooray!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...