Sunday, March 23, 2008

Walks, Horses & Champagne


Well. That was a fast, yet slow week. But thankfully last week was short, this week was short and next week will be short! Hooray for days off and Easter! Hooray for being in a country that gives you Good Friday and Easter Monday off!

So work. Yeah, it’s good. Busy in a way but not busy in most ways. Just tying up loose ends and making lists of stuff for the next gal to get busy doing, even though she’s only working 2 days a week (must be nice). I’m gonna try to sneak in a couple of squirrelly projects for her too if I can… Heh heh heh…… But otherwise, work is good. Very sorry to see it end. Even sorrier in that I still don’t have anything to go to on the 31st!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eeeeeeeeek! But I have a few applications out there, so for now it’s waiting to hear back from them, sooner rather than later, hopefully!? Will keep you posted!

And then there’s the weekend! Hooray! Friday…. What did I do Friday…… Not much because allllllll the shops, minus 7-11’s, were closed. Which was really fine according to my bank. So I took myself on a biiiiiig walk from my little apartment alllll the way to the river-end of New Farm park. And then from there I took the ferry from one end of the river to the other (takes about 2 hours round-trip) and then I walked into town to catch the bus home. All up it took up a good chunk of the day and 7.44 kilometers (which is I don’t know how much in miles, maybe 5 or so). Hooray! Fresh air! Exercise! Sunburned nose!

Saturday I was invited at the last minute by Natasha and her friend Veronica to go with them and about 10 of their friends to the Doomben races. Which meant we had to dress up and look nice and girly. It was fun because all the boys were spiffed up as well. We drank an awful lot of champagne, as you do at horse races I guess. It was fun. I don’t gamble at the best of times and one of the guys we were with lost about $300. That was kinda sad because it was his birthday too. So really all that did was to solidify my resolve to not bother gambling. But it was a really good day. Shame I forgot my camera!

And today has been sit on all my different bits of furniture and read books day. My god it’s already after 3.30pm! Hooray for having choices of furniture to sit on! But yes, very quiet, easy day. Maybe tomorrow I’ll do chores……….

So that’s really about that! Nothing toooo exciting I must admit. But with unemployment looming, the lower the profile the better! So, I hope you’re all well up there! The weather is getting nicer and I hear the price of plane tickets has gone down, so c’mon down!!!


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