Well. Here we are again. A warm Sunday afternoon. Thankfully there's a breeze. There wasn't one yesterday. It was 104 with roughly, thankfully, only 63% humidity. Summer's last hurrah. Man. It was h o t. It hasn't been that hot all summer, gross a few times, but not unbearably hot. It was yesterday. In the local lingo it was 40c - which is hot in their language. Today, muuuuch better. But, it's Sunday nonetheless...... Sigh. At least it's not 104 with 90% humidity!
So yeah. The week was good. Work is good, busy, but actually getting stuff done. All I know is, if there's a line-up of people waiting to kick Bill Gates, I so want a place in it. I could kill him (by kicking him - one for each Word headache I've ever had) for approving some of the ridiculous quirks in MS Word. At one point I was set back a week in my work with Bill Gates and his dorky bright ideas. But thank god I'm never the only one - get on Google, type your error message and about 200+ sites come up with folks who've had the same grief - plus ways to fix said grief. Is MS Word help as helpful? Oh, heavens no. That's one more big steel-toed kick for Bill. Anyways, I digress to rant. Work is good, tho I'm getting the feeling that they really are out of tricks to extending my contract. Five or so more weeks to go, so they could pull a rabbit out of a hat before my expiration date, but hmmmm. I live in hope but I'm even about out of legit ideas. My boss said the only other idea is that I could work for free. My, didn't we have a right good chuckle over that one?
And then the weekend. Ahhhhh. Monster Boy upstairs made sure I didn't sleep in and waste the day, making sure to stomp around at 5-6am - 'don't waste daylight!' the stomping seemed to say. And of course, as soon as I'm up grumbling about, he goes to sleep. Once I get a couple sticks of furniture I'm saving to break my lease.
Anyways, met Natasha and we had an adventure. Well, I did. We headed out to
And today, being so dragged out from my adventure yesterday, I'm
So there you are. Hope you're all well up there. Drop a line and send some pictures!
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