Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dreaming of Cars to Ikea...


Well. That week went by kinda slow, but thankfully the weekend was slow too. But here it is again, Sunday afternoon, watching a sub-par John Cusack movie ("Serendipity" blech. Boy has he done some stinkers. I’d get a new agent if I were him. Tho I do seem to remember him saying once that he does the stinkers so he can afford to do his own stuff. Fair enough.). Ahhh well. Nice relaxing weekend. And certainly happy to have a job to go back to tomorrow!

So work. Yep. Good. Busy. Lots of little projects to do. Just gotta keep plugging away with my head down, impress them, and see what happens about my permanence. I live in hope.

And then there was the weekend. Very quiet and lazy. Yesterday was way too hot to do much anyways, except sit and read. I’ve been doing my research on what car I want to buy. Yes, I too want to go into debt like normal people. ‘Cos the money I still owe on my credit card and scooter just isn’t enough. I want to hit the solid 5 digits. I’ve got my eye on a white 2005 Honda CRV. So we’ll see. Gotta find someone that’ll loan me the dough first. But my god, to have a car again. Yes I know it’s expensive and the price of gas is silly, yeah yeah yeah. But I could get out of town, go on road trips whenever I want…. Drive to work in 20 minutes instead of 2 hours on public transport (on rainy days, dry days it’s an hour)…. Yeah. But, we’ll see!?

But yesterday I did manage get out of the house, once it cooled down enough to move, and met up with a friend, Dave. He lives up in Cairns with Glen, a friend/roommate from Auckland days. He was passing through Brisbane on his way to Sydney. So we met at the pub for a couple glasses of wine and to swap roommate stories about Glen. That was good, because now I know for a fact that it’s not just me. So that was a good time. Dave was one of the first people I met when I got here, through Glen when he and Alleson stayed with me off and on for a few months when I first arrived. Nice guy. Drives a stinking huge and fast Ducati motorcycle. Drove it into a car once or twice. Eh, he’s a guy. I guess that’s what they do on stinking fast motorcycles. He wants to join the NZ Air Force to be a firefighter.... Hmmmm, well, ok. Hadn’t seen him for about a year and a half, so it was nice to see him and catch up.

And today was just as lazy. Thought about doing some laundry then kinda forgot about it. Tomorrow….. But did manage to meet Natasha for breakfast. She’s just returned from a week in NZ, visiting her Dad who’s not doing so well (lung cancer). She was glad she went but even happier to come home (here). But now she’s messed up with the time difference (3 hours) and from being up most of the night drinking with family and friends. Ahhhhh, that stuff just has to be done tho! And then I wandered home, had a nap and now here I am. Sad really. But am saving for this coming weekend – pilgrimage to Ikea with Christine and Alan. Got furniture to buy! I can’t wait to have a real chair to sit on. Awesome. It’s the little things like chairs that make me happy.

And that’s about it. Quiet, I know maybe even boring (that I definitely know). But am slowly working on it. Man, if I could get this car….. Oh the adventures I could have!!!! Am working on it! Will keep you posted!


P.S. Do you know, last week when I wrote, on Feb 3rd, it was 2 years to the day that I’d been here? And I totally spaced it. Can you believe that? And I didn’t realize I’d forgotten my own little Australian Birthday until like 2 days later. Duh. So late Happy Australia Birthday to me! 2 years! Just goes to show I’m having a good time and not counting the days!

P.P.S. Wednesday the 6th marked the beginning of another 6 months in this little apartment. So instead of a weekly list of ‘good things’ about this place (‘cos, let’s face it, am outta good things ideas), think I may start a list of things I’ve bought for the little apartment/me… Hmmm…. Will work on it.

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