Sunday, February 03, 2008

Druids, Toilet Training & Ikea


Well. Short weeks rock. I think the French were on to something when they had a strike (of course) years ago to have a four-day working week. And I think that's admirable. But the only flaw with that is, nice as it would be to only have to work four days, after a few years (or probably months) of that, you'd want to strike for a three-day week, etc, etc, etc. So best not to even torture yourself and just continue to suffer and be happy to have two days of freedom. It's the Romans, or maybe it was the Druids, who are to blame for five-day working weeks. Damn over-achievers.

So the week was good. Fast. Made even faster by my being pretty busy at work. I have a feeling they're trying to get as much as possible out of me before they have to let me go. I don't mind tho. It's more for my resume and keeps me busy, thus making the days leading up to unemployment race by. Tho I must say, one of my bosses has threatened that he "has a cunning plan" to try to keep me around. We'll just wait and see. Meanwhile, I've managed to apply for one "Editor" gig with another, totally diffrent Govt dept. These things take time, so be interesting to see if/what I hear back from them. Definately not holding my breath on that one - I've been told you could get a call like 6, 8 months after the fact. Worth trying tho!

And then there was the weekend. Niiiice. Saturday, went with Christine and Alan (both from work) for another pilgramage to Ikea. She's trying to get all her stuff before she moves out of her parent's house. Smart girl. And I think Alan came along just for the hot dogs and to lift Christine's heavy boxes. He's a nice boy. I was good and didn't (couldn't) buy a thing. No dough. But we have another trip planned for two weeks from now. Yippie! Am gonna buy a chair and perhaps put the couch I want on layaway. We'll see. But there's a couple things I can get besides. I like Ikea. And honest, not all of their stuff is crap particle-board, just most of it. You get what you pay for that's for sure.

And then today was cleaning day. I think I washed just about everything in my place that you can shove into a washing machine. I'm living in fear that I'm due for my four-monthly apartment inspection. Nosey bastards. So I like to keep the joint clean until they spring it on me, then that'll be less worry for me when they do spring it. Not that the place gets all that dirty, it's just the evidence of the illegal roommate, you see. Speaking of, have I mentioned I'm trying to toilet train him (Kona, the cat)? Yeah. It seems to be going well so far, tho we've just moved on to the bucket in the toilet phase so he can get used to perching. I have a feeling this could be the messy phase. But, if this works, like a lot of strange websites say it does, man. I'll be saving loads of dough from not having to buy kitty litter anymore. Not to mention years off my life for not having to empty and clean litter boxes anymore. Yeeeeah! Will keep you posted!

And, really, that's about it. Same ol stuff really. No adventures on the cards right at the moment. Not unless you count a trip to Ikea in two weeks' time. That's a fun place and kind of an adventure. But, will not go nuts at Ikea, am still trying to save at the same time for an adventure. The weather has been crap (still) for these last three months tho. Usually on the weekends, but I will admit not every weekend. And last I heard rental cars come with windows and windshield wipers.... Hmmmm. Will work on organizing something........

So there you are. Yawn, I know, but that's that for the time being. But, ultimately, am still quite happy to be here (well, not here in this apartment per se, but in Australia....). So c'mon down! Am acquiring real furniture!


Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #25: Because the windows are frosted glass, I don't have to clean them or worry about streaks and shine! Hooray!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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