Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Day Off with A&W and a Breeze!


Well. Here again we find me on a cloudy but breezy Sunday afternoon. Ahhhhhh. See, I don't mind Sundays because I quite like my job, which is kinda rare for me and office gigs. And I had Friday off from work, and then I ran around on Saturday, and today I've just relaxed. Had a piece of pizza. Got my A&W, life is pretty good!

So yeah. Work is good. Still busy but not as nuts as the last couple of weeks. Now comes time to list the stuff I'm working on to hand over to part-time gal. Wow, to think I do this full-time and I'm busybusybusy most of the time. I can't begin to think how this gal is gonna do my job only two days a week. Guess stuff just won't get done! Oh well! So for now, as far as I've been told by Boss #1 - I really am outta there at the end of this month. And I should see Boss #2 (he with the "Cunning Plan") tomorrow sometime and see what's cookin' there, if anything. But, am in the process of applying for two editing gigs in the cold hard world, so we'll see what shakes down from them! It's about all I can do for now! Any ideas or suggestions (or a job here in Brisbane doing editing), let me know!

So had Friday off from work. Cos I'm now on the Government's books, I earn like 15 minutes a day towards a day off. And with the 2 I worked last weekend, it's all added up to 25+ hours that I have to take off before I leave, because they don't pay you out for these kind of days off! So I had Friday to sleep in and clean the little apartment really good. And it was just nice to have a short week. I was really tired and needed a break. I might take one day off during this week if I can. Hey, now that I think about it, this week's a short week anyways! Hooray! We get Friday off, because of Jesus and the following Monday, because of Jesus! Hooray for Easter! Hooray for being on the Government's books and being paid for the time off!!!!!!!!!!!!$ Heeeeey, maybe I'll take Thursday off and make a right break out of it.... Hmmmm.

And then Saturday, Natasha and I ran errands and spent money (shampoo and all that kinda crap). Man, when we put our heads to it, we can sure cover a lot of ground running around! And then we met at the Paddo pub in the evening for a couple glasses of wine. Was a nice day!

And today, ahhhh, nothing. Called my Grandma in Indiana. Am bad Grandaughter, haven't called in aaaaaaages. Love talking to her tho so I must do it more often. She doesn't have a computer so she has no email and can't see my little blog; so there's no reason not to call and keep her posted the old fashioned way!

And that's about it really. Love sitting on my couch and chaise and chair and putting my feet up on the footstool. Man, this comfortable furniture thing just will never get old! Hooray!

So there it is. I hope you're all well up there. Drop a line and tell me what's shakin' up there in the Northern Hemisphere!!!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK. You gotta explain the creepy little dolls.


Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...