Sunday, October 07, 2007

Toowong and Beyond!


Well. Another week shot by. Excellent. But the weekend went by just as fast. Shame.

So yeah, the week. Busy at work with the other manual am helping out on. This manual isn't my show, am just a little helper to a gal who's gig this one really is, if that makes any sense. Getting to the end of my part in a little bit, couple of weeks maybe. This week the 2 big bosses and I are going to sit down and map out what other work (manuals) could be in my future. As far as I know there's really 3 more for me to put together, but guess we'll find out. They're going to prioritize for me. Hmmm. I hope they don't prioritize me out of work! At the moment am supposed to hang around until just before Xmas, but with the work I know needs to be done, well, I really could be there at least another 6 months. But that also depends on their budget too. So, this week I should have a better idea of my expiration date! Fingers crossed it's later rather than sooner!!!!!!!

And the weekend...... Well, for starters, I got out of work Friday evening and decided to walk home. Crazy, man! It took about an hour and 45! I'm not even going to guess how many miles it was (not many, am sure, but it felt like many). But I just knew I couldn't bear a rush hour ride through the city on the bus, through "The Valley" (Fortitude Valley - home of drug dealers and their customers, drunks, topless bars, cheap Chinese trinkets, and well, sadly, A&W Rootbeer) where usually some bad-smelling weirdo sits next to me the whole way. So I decided to walk. Well. I sure felt like I'd accomplished something, that's for sure! Pretty tiring but I think that's because am outta practice with my long walks! Wouldn't mind doing that at least once a week. Be good for me and losing my office flab.

So Saturday I walked down to Milton (Park Road - where all the shops and cafes are) to meet Natasha for breakfast. We seem to try new places at least once a weekend or so. So far our favorite is a place in town on Albert Street, across from Borders bookshop. Mmmm. After that we walked over to Toowong for Kmart and groceries and to work off our breakfast. Good thing we were good girls and got up early to do it - it was hot! Well, summer's pretty much here. I guess we all knew the 3 weeks or so of spring couldn't last forever. So it's been hot and gross the last couple of weeks now. And the "climate experts" keep threatening us with a long, hot and gross summer. Fantastic. Punishment for having such a nice one last year. And me with no comfy modern apt with a/c and a pool. Spoiled I was. Then in the evening I met Cindy and Miles for dinner at the Paddo Pub. Mmmmmm.

And today. Well, I think because I've been running around in hot and humid when am normally sheltered nice and cool in an office, I'm pretty tired. Too tired to even do my chores. Ok, I did one big load of laundry, but more than that I just couldn't. Even had a nap. Reading a Gregory Peck biography. Sitting in front of a nice fan writing this and surfing the 'net a little (looked for jobs at Warner Brothers, eh, only admin assistants and accountants, nothing worth my moving to LA for). Yep, that's about all the energy I have! It's early in the summer yet, will steadily build up my resistance to it! Tho, does anyone except native-born Floridians ever get used to this awful combination of hot and humid? I didn't think so. But will do my best. Hey, I could still be in NYC with its 6 months of winter. Yeah.

And that's about it. No adventures this week, and nothing on the books just yet. Will keep my eyes peeled! Hope you're all well up there! I'd say c'mon down but I hear plane tickets are silly expensive...... Save, people!


Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #9:
It's small, so it doesn't take much time to clean!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...