Well. Another week shot by. Excellent. But the weekend went by just as fast. Shame.
So yeah, the week. Busy at work with the other manual am helping out on. This manual isn't my show, am just a little helper to a gal who's gig this one really is, if that makes any sense. Getting to the end of my part in a little bit, couple of weeks maybe. This week the 2 big bosses and I are
So Saturday I walked down to Milton (Park Road - where all the shops and cafes are) to meet Natasha for breakfast. We seem to try new places at least once a weekend or so. So far our
And today. Well, I think because I've been running around in hot and humid when am normally
And that's about it. No adventures this week, and nothing on the books just yet. Will keep my eyes peeled! Hope you're all well up there! I'd say c'mon down but I hear plane tickets are silly expensive...... Save, people!
Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #9:
It's small, so it doesn't take much time to clean!
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