Sunday, October 28, 2007

Humid and Hot in Cement Shoes


Well. There it is, another week, weekend, come and gone. This time it was kind of a shame to be stuck inside the little apartment relaxing when it was 95 or so degrees outside with 70 or so percent humidity with no luxury of a/c. Kinda wished I was at work in the comfort and safety of their air-conditioning. But, that's ok, the only way to acclimate is to just get in it! Ugh. It's still Spring and yet it's been feeling like Summer. Stinking hot and humid, and the wost is yet to come. Sigh. Maybe I'll chicken out after all and end up moving to a place with a/c. Call me a wuss.

So yeah. Work is fine. Ticking along. Was actually a bit of a struggle to keep myself entertained 8 hours a day for 5 days in a row, and yet look really busy and slightly important at the same time. But am an old pro from the old school of looking importantly busy, so it was easy. But, kinda boring in a 'waste of a perfectly good day' way. So until things start to pick up I think I'll have to start chipping away at some of these screenplays kicking around in my little ol' head. Hmmm.

And then the weekend. Yeah. Quiet more or less. Well, Friday I met Cindy and her man Miles to go to the comedy club that's in the basement of the Paddo pub. Some pretty funny guys. One guy, Steady Eddie, he's apparently been around for yeeeeeears, he was the best (he was the headliner). The other guys, eh, moments that made me laugh. Thankfully they kept the "my old lady" kinda jokes at a minimum. And that was Friday. Always kind of hard to get my feet moving on a Friday night to go out and do something, but always glad I did.

And Saturday, very quiet. Nice though. With the weather being so gross it's been hard to sleep at night and with Monster Boy upstairs with his cement shoes marching around at 2am, yeah, I was wanting to catch up on sleep. So I just hung around and read my book, talked on the phone and watched a mini-marathon of "Arrested Development". Love that show. Shame I missed it the first time around. Shame it's not running anymore. A gal at work loaned me all of her DVD's (all 3 seasons) and I've had them a couple months now and haven't been making much of a dent in them. So I made a pretty good effort this weekend. Funny show. Very sharp and clever and fast. Ahhh, but like with all good tv shows, the good ones never seem to last long. Shame. Hooray for DVD's!

And today was pretty good, 'cruisey' as the locals would say. Went with Cindy to her art showing in town. She paints icons and is pretty good at it even if she says otherwise. Pretty neat. They don't bust them out like you'd think they would, with its seemingly-basic style, they have to stick to the techniques of the period - and that was incredibly painstaking and slow. It's a style of art that's pretty hard to find classes in. But she's been doing it for a few years now and every year or so they throw together a show. And, being religious, it was within St. Stephen's Cathedral church grounds right in the city. So while she was being the proud artist I had a wander. Went into the original little church to find a really interesting, if not slightly creepy, sculpture of a gal they want to be made a saint, Mary MacKillop. She was, back in the late 1800's, one of the outback pioneer/colonial gals who basically set up her own style of Christianity and taught folks in the remote outback about religion and all that. She was apparently pretty good and tireless at it, so now they want to get her into the Sainthood. Well, ok. So this guy John Elliott carved up a sculpture for her. Pretty neat. Then Cindy and I had a walk around the Riverside Markets (my favorite) and then drove out to a fruit market (not far from my work) where she loaded up on fruit and veggies for the week. And that was that! I came home and vacuumed and here I am with my glass o' wine. Man, it sure would be nice to have a car of my own. I know the costs are just silly, but ahhhhhh, the freedom! The ability to drive in the rain and carry lots of stuff! Novelty! Not that I don't love the scooter, I do, but you have to admit it has its limitations.

And that's that. You see, the trick to my saving money for adventures is to simply not leave the house. That, and socking away some $$$ the minute it arrives in the ol' bank account, which I've been extremely bad at. So, for motivational reasons, I've picked up a few brochures of different train package tours around Queensland, which all seem to average around $1,500+ for a week of adventure (not to mention the additional 'single supplement' i.e. financial punishment for going it alone). So let the savings begin! Meanwhile, I will endeavor to do my best at finding little free things to do around town to keep myself entertained.

So there. Hope you're all well up there. Hope everyone came through those fires in San Diego ok. Come down for a visit anytime!!!!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment, #12:
The carpet is pretty old and dark - so you can't tell if something gets spilled on it or the cat throws up on it!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...