Sunday, October 21, 2007

Modern Cows Working for Art


Well. That week went kinda slow this time. But, never mind, the weekend came eventually. But it's a shame that if the week goes by slow, the weekend shouldn't go by so fast. Them's should be the rules. Yeah.

So, yeah, work, still good. Lot of changes going on in the background but hopefully I can stay under the radar and keep my little job. I've been told to expect to be extended into next year, but you never know, especially when organizational changes are running rampant. Hmmmm. I certainly hope to stay!? Oh yeah, I didn't get the high-powered gig. It ended up going to a guy who's had "operational" experience - means he's been an Urban and Rural firefighter and he's done time behind a desk, so he knows what the folks out on the front lines need in a manual. Fair enough. Little bummed ($78 g's starting salary) but that's ok. Was an awful lot of work. I really like my gig because quite honestly, it's not very much work at all and no stress to speak of, am my own gal and don't have to answer to anyone but the Director. Cool. Compared to the last few jobs, this is (still) like a vacation. People (at work) tell me to keep my eyes open for gigs in other departments, but every gig I look at says in it somewhere "support". I don't wanna support anyone anymore. Well, not until I absolutely positively have to. Put that off as long as is humanly possible!
And the weekend. Man it went by fast. Saturday, chores. But got those done so quickly that I had the whole day to do nothing. Ahhhhhhh it was most excellent. And it was quiet. So I read my Bill Bryson book "A Walk in the Woods". Have read it before but two other gals at work and I decided to read it at the same time, like a mini-book club. Man it's a good book. Hilarious. He's my favorite. But hey, speaking of books and authors, I got tickets to go listen to Michael Palin come talk about his new book, am very excited. He started out yeeeears ago with Monty Python, acted in loads of movies ("Fish Called Wanda", etc), now he's into travel writing and travel documentaries. He's most excellent too. I've always really liked him. So I and a gal from work are going to that in a couple of weeks. And then another one of my favorite authors, Ian Rankin (writes crime novels set in Scotland with the same central characters) is coming to town to talk about his latest book, so am hoping to go to that too. Oh, dahlings, it's absolute cultcha!

And today, well, speaking of culture, I took myself down to the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. It opened earlier this year with much fanfare. Well, I gotta say, they wasted an awful lot of space. Space that I know could be filled with a lot more modern art than they had scantily hanging around. All these little galleries around town with so much neat stuff in them and they can't cover the walls of the main gallery in town? Something tells me they're far too selective. Needless to say it was pretty disappointing. I know I was spoiled by living in NYC. And trust me, I tried as hard as I could not to compare. But after 45 minutes when I went looking for more floors and art and not finding any, well, it was hard not to compare. And a lot of the art I understood. At MoMA in NYC, I didn't get 95% of it but liked it for what it was anyways. I'll give it to this gallery tho, they had lots of Aboriginal art, but nothing I'd really call "modern". But who am I. I got my degree in Film and TV Production, not art criticism. So yeah, interesting but, hmmm. I did notice they're going to be having a major Andy Warhol exhibition next month, will go to that.

And that was that! Kinda dull, yes, but I was tired after this week for some reason. Am trying to plan little adventures, but it's incredibly difficult to get people to come along. Who knew no one wants to go be a tourist?! Chickens. It's fun to be a tourist in your own town! So yeah, am trying. Gotta save. I tell ya, since moving to this little apartment, my savings are in worse shape than when I was at the expensive place! But ahhhhh, such nice meals dining out! Gotta stop, I know, if I want to get outta town on the weekends. Will do! Silly not to save for escape really, when I rent cars from Thrifty I get Qantas frequent flyer miles - bonus! So yeah, will be better and save. Would like to do something at least every weekend or so. Must save!

So there. Hope you're all well up there. I see plane tickets are silly expensive going either way. Hmmmm. Maybe we would meet halfway in Hawaii?!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #11:
Don't have to clean the stove/oven - the apt doesn't come with one!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...