Well. Sorry I'm late. Too tired strikes again. But here I am, Monday, fresh home from a hard day at the office, even have a load of laundry in the washer as we speak. Multi-tasking!
So yeah, the week at work was good. I gotta say tho, I've applied for a very high-powered gig with them, basically being in charge of the production of allllll the training and info manuals for all of Queensland Fire and Rescue Service. The applications closed on Friday. They need someone right away and the 'receipt of application' email said they'd notify me of my application's status ASAP. Here's hoping. Big job. Comes with big pay tho. Yeah baby!
So yeah. The week was good. Another speedy one. The weekend was pretty good too. Productive, in an "I spent more than I really should have" kinda way. But good. Friday, I met
Saturday wasn't too bad either. Met Natasha, again, for errands in town. See, let me hold the story there for a moment while I explain why Natasha and I run around so much together - we're both our own gals, single (tho not for lack of trying, all the nice boys are married to sour-faced gals, with kids) and we live in the same 'hood. And really, we both need laundry soap and stuff, so why not run around with someone in your same situation? So that's that. Anyways, we ran the usual errands and I came home with a new DVD player. Coooooool. The boy in the store even took $10 bucks off the price and hacked it for me to
And then Sunday. Yep. I was allll set for chore-day. Even got as far as vacuuming when Natasha called to say a friend of hers, Juliette (who is the proud owner of a car) is headed down to the Gold Coast to go to Harbour Town - a
And that was pretty much that! Hey, they just had a story on tonight's evening news about how many flights to the States Qantas has scheduled compared to 8 years ago. So there you go. C'mon down!
Weekly: "One Good Thing About Little Apartment #10:"
The apt complex comes with a washer and a dryer - and I don't have to pay!!!
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