Sunday, November 04, 2007

Blue Bottles in Hotels with Views


Well. Here we are again. This time, the week just crept past painfully slow. And the good thing was everyone else noticed it, so it wasn't just me wondering 'why is it still 2pm on Tuesday?'. But it was finally put out of it's misery Friday afternoon. Hooray! But here we are again at Sunday afternoon. Hot and humid today, well, all weekend it's been this gross. Today there're great big scary clouds looking intimidating but not doing anything more than blocking a good breeze, kinda like bouncers in front of the Windy Sky Nightclub. Ahhhh, Sunday in Queensland - and it's not summer yet! Eeek!

So the week. Yep. Slow, as reported above. But finally ended on a fairly positive note - I broke down and asked my boss if she thought they'd have any use for me beyond Xmas. She was pretty surprised to realize/remember that that was a small fact they'd forgotten to address. Said she run it past the bigger boss (Paul, he's cool. I told him I can weld and he thought that was the best thing he'd heard all week. So something tells me he wouldn't mind my hanging around the place. Yeah) and she has to run it under the nose of Financial Lady in Charge, just to make sure they have the funds to keep me in the lifestyle I've become so fondly accustomed to. It should all be fine, but how long I can stay will depend on funding. Geez, I should have a telethon. Maybe I'll call Jerry Lewis...... Otherwise, work is good. Fairly "busy", and that's fine with me. As long as those manuals need updating, I'm the gal!

And the weekend. Saturday dawned promising, as we - Maree, Zoey and I had been planning for weeks to go down to Byron Bay and surrounds (about 3 hours south of Brisbane, just over the New South Wales border). It was a lovely day overall. Byron Bay is very pretty and much smaller than I expected. Little hamlet/beachsidey kinda town. Sort of reminded me of Pacific Beach only, well, not. We parked next to this big hotel (a.k.a pub/bar) that Maree told me used to be Paul Hogan's pride and joy. It was pretty nice, even if it's not in his possession anymore. Big, right near the beach, airy, fairly crowded for a Saturday morning. Nice. Nice toilets too. And then we were off to see the sights, of which there really aren't many, but we had a pretty good wander around the main drag. In and out of little shops then, up to the Cape Byron Lighthouse (built in 1901) and the most Easternly Point of mainland Australia. That has to have been the highlight of the day. Very pretty spot, easy to get to, easy to wander around and it had a nifty little section of the old Keeper's cottages converted into info rooms and a little shop. The museum itself is in the actual lighthouse but it was closed. And it was wiiiiindy! We managed to hang around long enough to get a good look around and to come back into town thoroughly windblown. But I like to think I got a few nice shots of the place. I'd love to go again, spend the weekend, and check out the view at different times of the day. Hmmmmm.

Anyways, Byron Bay was lovely. Looks like a pretty cool spot, even if everyone averages 20 years old. Will have to spend a proper weekend down there sometime, maybe after the muggy furnace of summer. And then we went off in search of Nimbin - a quirky hippie community from waaaay back. It's apparently as close to San Francisco's Haight Ashbury as Australia's gonna get. But alas, we couldn't find the road to get there, as directional signs were non-existent. Maybe it's one of those places that if you have to ask how to get there, then you have no business being there, maaaan. So instead we headed to a little place called Lennox Head, where we had lunch and a wander along the beach, where, to my mortification we stumbled across numerous dead and deflated Bluebottles (a.k.a. Portuguese Man-of-War) - little bundles of pretty blue, gelatinous lethality. One sting and all you have time for is running to the beach and collapsing. If it's not too bad, mouth-to-mouth and some vinegar on the welt oughta be enough to get you to the hospital. And they're little. You'd never see it coming. And just one or two long stingers is all they need. Scary little things. Good thing we didn't go swimming! And that was about all we had time for. We had to get back to town to drop Zoey back with her family. Shame, but that was that. Maree whispered she and her husband would take me back down there again where we'll spend the weekend and check the area out properly. Cool.

And here's Sunday. I've had the energy to do the laundry and not much else. Tooooo hot and muggy. Monster Boy upstairs installed a window a/c unit (at the bright hour of 6am a few Sunday mornings back) and I'm wondering if I should do the same, maybe at a more humane hour tho. Hmmmm. Otherwise, yeah. I guess the weekend kinda collapsed like a souffle because we thought we'd be spending the entire weekend checking out the northeast corner of New South Wales, but was suddenly cut waaay short. So it was a bit of a.... Ehhhh. But, nevermind. There will be other weekends to go exploring. And now that I'm learning the freeways slowly but surely, it won't be too tough to rent a car and vamoose for a short spell. Will do!

So I hope you're all well up there! I'd say c'mon down for a visit, but don't. It's too hot and humid right now with seas full of Bluebottles!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #13:
It's extremely close to the grocery store - making shopping quick and easy!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...