Monday, November 19, 2007

Day Out... At The Pub!


Well. Apologies for the late update. The sole reason is that Sunday was a day spent at the pub - need I say more. Am sorry. It was fun though after a long week and a busy weekend!

So work. Yep. It's good. Got my paperwork all turned in that
officially extends my little contract until the end of March next year - woooohhoooooo!!!!! A job for another 3 1/2 months! At this rate I'm aiming for May, if I can do it, then I'll have been there a whole year! Goooood look on the rez - Editor. Yeeaaahhhh!

And the weekend. It was pretty nice, but busy tho. Ran errands for a good part of the day. Then in the evening, Jan picked up me
and Natasha and we went up to the Kangaroo Point lookout and had wine and nibbles watching the not-very-great sunset over the city. Man. In the time we were there (perhaps an hour or more) there were four wedding parties having their photos done. It was all I could do to not shout out "It'll end in tears!" Yeah. The optimism. Bless 'em. And then we headed from there over to West End for a Vietnamese dinner - it was loooooovely! I can't remember officially ever having Vietnamese food. Lots better than Chinese in that it's a lot lighter and a lot less greasy and maybe even a little bit tastier. Mmmmm! It was so good. We got the buffet and somehow I ended up with all the leftovers! But a very good evening was had by all. It's always nice to catch up with Jan and we usually always seem to eat at interesting places. It was most excellent.

And then Sunday. Well, you know how that ended. And wasn't it a shock when the alarm went off this morning! I hit the snooze button that many times that I was very nearly late for my bus to work! But ahhhhhh, a Sunday at the Paddo is a good day. Met Natasha, Veronica, and Natasha's brother Quinn and his roommates, it was just a good day.

And sadly, that's pretty much it. I have to buckle down and really start saving for the 7 days we'll be off over Xmas. That'll be 7 days without pay. No more days spent down at the pub! Ahhhhhh, the downside to being a lowly little temp - you no work - you no get paid! But I am REALLY looking forward to the break. So far I don't have anything planned, just some very vague plans to meet up with Caroline and her husband who will be here visiting from Bristol (England). And I was meant to be going down to Sydney with them for New Years eve, but haven't heard anything since August. That's ok. Am not a big NYE person. I mean, huh, really, after New York City? Yeah. It all just pales in comparison, dahlings! Really, if I stayed in town, that's not so bad (everyone leaves town for the Xmas holidays, it's only us little tourists who stay behind), I'll just go on a few little adventure walks, starting in my hilly 'hood! Work off some of this office flab!

So there it is. A fairly quiet week ending with a bang. Whew! So hope you're all well up there! C'mon down and we'll waste a day at the pub!

Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment #15:
It's really central to the City - cheap cab rides home!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...