Well. That week went by pretty fast and thankfully uneventful. Well, after the last couple of weeks with being sick and whatnot, it was good to just have a normal week and for it to move quickly. Whew!
So the week at work was fine. Starting to pick up a little, got stuff to do. Excellent. The manual that I was first hired on to fix up, organise
And the weekend, well, not bad. I've gotten kinda lazy about not bringing my camera out. That's a bad habit. I'll start dragging it around more. Friday night I met Natasha and a few of her friends for after work drinks at The Fox hotel in South Brisbane. Eh. Even tho the new owners of the pub have thrown millions into making it look cool (and it does, tho I never saw what it looked like before), I just can't stand the place. Not sure why. Could be the staff. Could be the way too yuppie crowd. Could be the over-loud music. Could be the over-priced drinks. Dunno, but I hopefully won't be going again anytime soon. But, it's always nice to get out and see Natasha and her friends. They're a good group.
Saturday I went with Cindy and her man Miles over to her friend Jeannette's house for an Aussie Rules Grand Final party. It's basically rugby but I'm not supposed to call it that, it's Aussie Rules! It's different! I can't tell, but ok). It was a very lovely afternoon, met some neat people and came home at a respectable hour. The weather is really starting to warm up. And get muggy. Ahhhhhh, summer in the sub-tropics. Mmmmm. Like Florida.
And today I went with Natasha into town for pancakes and curtains. I have an inspection of my little apartment on Wednesday and I've
And that's that. No adventures on the cards just yet. Tho there's a gal at work, Maree, who's threatened to take me down to Byron Bay one weekend. Cooooool. Will keep you posted. Otherwise, I really need to knuckle down and saaaaaaaave!
So there! Hope you're all well up there! Drop a line sometime because you may know what I'm up to, but I have no idea what you're up to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weekly: One Good Thing About Little Apartment, #8:
Bars on two of the windows (the kitchen and bedroom) - keeps the breeze coming in and the murderers out!
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