Monday, September 03, 2007

Saving Fireworks with Ukuleles


Well. Apologies for not writing yesterday. I kinda lost track of the time (it takes a fair bit of time to upload all these photos, not to mention writing and editing, so one little entry can take up to 3 hours + to do.... Not that I'm complaining! I have the 'net and a phone at home now!) and by the time I thought about getting to it, I had a headache, which hung around all night and blossomed into full-blown pounding by this morning. So I've taken the day off work to dose myself up on Advil (hooray!) and chill out. And write this little blog!

So, yeah, the week went by fast. Was a good, productive week. Work is good. I worked a whole five days in a row! I haven't done that in weeks! Hooray says the bank! Actually got a bit of work done too. Tho I still feel a little bit behind on this project. Oh well. A few people are sick all around me (at work). Makes me nervous. One gal was out for a week. Apparently even did some time in the hospital. There's a bad flu making the rounds and I don't want it. And I'm usually the very last one to get these things. Have my fingers crossed. It even took out one guy and he's healthy as an ox! Hiked all over Nepal! So yeah. Am trying. I like to think vitamins and red wine will see me through. Otherwise, things are sailing along, still really like it, tho no hope yet that they'll put me on their books. I still wish they would so I could earn paid days off, sick time and vacation time like a normal person.... Oh well. Happy to have a job I like!!!!

And the weekend. Yep. Was busy. Could be one more reason why I was so shattered this morning with the headache. Friday was Natasha's birthday so a whole mess of people met her at the Normanby pub. Was a good night but Cindy and I left early. Natasha and her friends had been drinking for the better part of the day and were well on their way by the time evening rolled around. So we left around 8 something. Was a good evening while we were there! Got to catch up with a few folks I used to work with at the school. Ahhhhhhhhhh, still so happy not to be there anymore!!!!

And Saturday Cindy and I walked into Southbank to meet some friends of hers to watch the Riverfire fireworks show. Riverfire is this festival that they put on each year to celebrate the river and its relationship with the city and all that stuff. They finish it off with a massive fireworks show. I went last year. Anyways, she has a friend who's a member of the Maritime Museum and they were allowed to invite so many to watch the fireworks right there on the river. Well that was pretty cool. Only bummer to being right there was that the gun powder rained down on top of everyone. We were right next to the bridge tho, so we'd duck under that when things get really heavy. Pretty neat to be that close tho. Then we just hung around there for a little bit to drink our wine and watch the action on the river. Was really nice.

And Sunday I met Natasha and more of her friends for a post-birthday lunch up at the Paddo tavern, for all those folks that couldn't make Friday it night. Was a really good afternoon and met some nice folks. Her friends are all pretty cool.

And then here I am with a headache hangover (I didn't drink that much yesterday, honest!) playing hooky from work! Ahhh, see, I knew I wouldn't be able to work full weeks for long! Which is strange because I like my job. Ahhh well, I've had good reasons for taking days off these last few weeks. Will toughen up, buckle down and start saving!

So yeah. All's well down here. Kona the furry little criminal is fine. The apartment, is, well........ ok. Here's what I've decided to do - swap psychology and add a new little thing to the little blog that I like to call "26 Things I Like About My New Apartment", back-dating to the first weekend, the 12th of Aug....... One positive attribute about this place each week.

12th Aug - Cheap rent.
19th Aug - No ambulances racing past with sirens blaring.
26th Aug - No street/traffic noise - I can hear birds now.
2nd Sept - I don't have to be nearly as a big a clean freak (compared to the last place), as you can't tell one way or the other.

So there it is. One good thing mentioned each week, until the lease runs out. I can do this.

So, I hope you're all well up there! Come for a visit!!! I've found a groovy little cafe that makes a good breakfast! (I had the ricotta pancakes - interesting, but way yummy!)


P.S. Savings plan aside, did I mention I bought a ukulele? It was cheap. Looks like an avacado with glitter. Heh heh heh. Don Ho look out! Comes with a groovy instruction dvd and everything. I love it. Fingers hurt tho. Will keep you posted as to how the practicing goes. This week is learning chords and chord progressions and different strumming techniques. Excellent!

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