Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Fun Just Doesn't Stop! (Aug 19th)


Well. First off, I’d like to apologize for being off the radar. I have no home phone yet (there’s a line but no life), so I’ve had to make an appointment for some dude from the phone company to come out this coming Wednesday to do something to make it go. Hmm. Whatever. And I used to have access to the little blog from work, but the IT Nazi’s have ended that bit of fun. No fun allowed. And there’s no one around at my little apartment with a wireless connection that I can sneak into, they’re all password protected. Honestly, in this day and age. So yeah. I’ve written the last couple to post at once. Kinda geeky, but that’s that!

Anyways, this week went by fast. We had the Wednesday off for ‘Peoples’ Day’ at the Ekka, even though most people don’t go on Peoples’ Day because it’s so crowded with people, but it was a mid-week day off. Excellent! I did laundry!

So yeah, work is fine. Good, kinda busy. Well, busy as I want it to be. Still love it! Boy, not having a phone at home these last 2 weeks or so is kind of a pain. So I spend most of my mornings at work sorting out stuff – like getting addresses changed, having the phone company come out to hook up my phone, etc. But yeah, work is still good. Overall there’s a lot I could do for the next while or so, so hopefully they’ll keep me around to do it all!??

And the little apartment. Yeah. Spent this weekend cleaning like a crazy woman (hee hee, they have some cleaning product here, can’t remember its name, but the ad is some crazy person cleaning with it madly, and the tag line is "There’s squeaky clean, and there’s freaky clean". Cracks me up every time). Place smells a little better for it. The gal that lived here before me, well, I don’t think cleaning was on her list of things to do. She had the carpets steam cleaned (which, with all the rain lately, only made the place smell like wet dog for about 4 days) but she never once vacuumed or really scrubbed. I’ll spare you the gory details. I’ll just say now that it’s more livable, but keep your shoes on. After the last place….. well, it’s hard to believe some people never learned to swing a mop or vacuum. – shudder -.

So, the little apartment is coming along. I did, this week, have the opportunity to chose between two other apartments in this little block that had suddenly come up for rent. One is right above mine. So I had a look through them (met the owners of the whole place) and came close to taking the upstairs one but Cindy came around with her common sense & local knowledge of the summers and had a look and decided that mine was better and it’ll be cooler for during the summer – plaster walls, big fluffy palm right in front. So I’ve stayed put. But the reason why the apartments came up for rent is that the guys who’d lived in them, well, they died. Eeeek. In the hospital, not in the places. They apparently lived here for 30 plus years, were in their 80’s and, well, that was that. Sad. But I have to say, the owners do nothing to keep these places up. Not one cent is invested to keep it looking nice. You should see the state of the threadbare carpets and fittings in the bathroom. And have I mentioned I have no stove? Yeah. I have a microwave and 2 hotplates (Natasha, little gem, donated her toaster oven to the cause). Geez, for the neighborhood, I’d fix these suckers up ‘til they sparkled and I had lines down the road of kids wanting to rent them at $300 plus a week. Maaaaan. I just don’t get the mind of the "property investor". I suppose the owners (who’ve only owned the place for 4 years) are just going to hang onto it until the price of the land skyrockets and a multi-millionaire makes them a silly offer to knock the building down to put up a mansion. Oh, wait, I was thinking of what I’d do if I had the dough.

Anyways, the little apartment will do for now. It already has. I can take a day off of work and not worry that my bank account will cave in on itself. I just hope that work keeps me until Feb at least and I can really make a dent in the bills and go on at least one or two adventures. Will keep you posted!

What else…… Oh yeah, had to take the little scooter in for its 6 month/1,000k check-up. So I have to pick it up after work on Monday. And wouldn’t you know it, we’re due to have rain allllll week. Oh dear. I’ve never ever ridden the little scooter in the rain (never wanted to!). And at rush hour. Oh dear. But hey, at least the little scooter will be living up to its warranty obligations! Gosh, hope the shop doesn’t find stuff wrong with it, like they do. Hmmmm. And I hope the rain stops just long enough for me to get home alive. We’ll find out!!!!

And that’s about it! Hope you’re all well up there!


(P.S. I managed to pick up the little scooter just fine.
No surprises from the mechanic - got a clean bill of health!
And no rain! Hooray!)

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