Well. First off, apologies for not checking in yesterday. I ran around all weekend and come Sunday afternoon I’d had it. So Natasha and her friend Veronica invited me to meet them at the pub (The Paddington Tavern, or "Paddo" as it’s known to the locals). And, well, it was a very good evening but by the time I got home I was dead tired and it was waaaaay to late to be making any sense. So here I am, coming to you live from Work! Oooooooh, rebel. Honestly, it’s more "work" than I’ll do all week, and, bonus, I look busy!
So yeah. The week was fast, amazing for not having anything to do. I just know there’ll be stuff for

And then packed and cleaned the little apartment during the week, not that I have stuff to pack or much to clean….. Sad to be leaving, especially now with the weather turning into ‘wine on the balcony after work to watch the sunset’ kinda weather…….. Sigh. Oh well. Onwards and, well, onwards anyways…..
So the weekend was full of cleaning and errands to get stuff for the "new" little apartment, because I made the sort of mistake of renting a really expensive, fully furnished apartment, therefore I didn’t need stuff or could afford to pick stuff up along the way (and nowhere to stash it). So here I am. Picked up a vacuum…. an airbed….. clothes drying rack…… yeah.
So. Taking this Thursday and Friday off from work to move and clean and get organized. Then I’m going with Cindy to the Ekka on Friday! I went last year (before I got modern with the digital camera. Oh, I took pictures, just haven’t had them developed yet…. A year later!). The Ekka is their

And that’s about it! Hope you’re all well up there!

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