Well. That was another week. Much like the rest of them really. And the weekend, ahhhhh, excellent, if not dull. But a nice easy week.
So yeah, work. Yep. Nice. Dead easy. I got a stay of execution! Hooray! They decided to keep me on to help finish another manual. So that'll take me til the end of September. And then after that's done, I have two more I'm supposed to work on as well, and those could take me into next year! Fingers crossed with those, but for now, I have a job until the end of September! HOORAY! But, sadly, the last of the two little office gals have hit the bricks for brighter cubicles. Their contracts weren't renewed so off they had to go. They kept me up to date with what's hip in the world (one was only 18 and the other was 24, how cute). But they're gone and now I'm left with old, fuddy-duddy domesticated office folk. Yawn. But, they're still working at the same place, just a different section. So maybe we'll catch up over lunch. Friday we allllll went across the road to the pub to celebrate their last day. That was pretty nice. And I could drink wine! Everyone else was, so when in Rome! 'Course, I knew, as always happens at these events, that the minute I got back to my little corner, all motivation to do much of anything was still sitting at the pub. So it was all I could do to look busy for the rest of the afternoon. Thank heavens it was only an hour. What a nice end to the week though!
So yeah. That's that. Same ol, same ol. Trust me, if anything interesting happens, you'll hear about it. But for now, all's quiet on this Eastern front, down in the Southern Hemisphere!
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