Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tigers in a Cubicle Forest


Well. Another week..... well, yeah, another week!

Work. Yep. Still good. Pretty uneventful, which, really, is how I like work to be. Though I do recall an interesting conversation I had with my boss one morning about how horrible being a PA (Personal Assistant) is. Legalised slavery we agreed. I have to say, in all my years of suffering under a florescent sun in a cubicle forest, I have never met a senior manager who openly criticized that breed of office monkey. And I gotta say, it was pretty refreshing. I mean, sure, it came from a woman, but I don't know how much that had to do with it. We could get into the whole male female work dichotomy line of pointless discussion, but really, get it down to brass tacks and a senior manager said that kinda job shoulda gone out with the 60's and typing pools and dictation. Hooray! I'm telling you, I wish they'd keep me 'cos I'd love to stay.

And really, aside from going to work, coming home, reading, watching maybe two shows and the Simpsons once or twice on tv, it was a quiet week. Cold. The weather has decided since it's winter, it might as well act like it for a week at least. So it's been pretty chilly at night and sometimes even miserable during the day. I mean, it was the winter solstice this past Thursday. Which, means, hooray! the sun will be hanging around longer now! Not that we're crying out for sunshine. Not like in NYC. But winter is winter and the more sunshine the better.

Oh, and the weekend - pretty quiet. Ran around yesterday looking for stuff shops didn't seem to have. And, ok, I came home with this little computer game I've been wanting for a while now, I only snapped because it was majorly marked down, called Roller Coaster Tycoon. You design your own roller coasters and theme park. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks excellent for killing a little bit of time in between reading, painting, and writing. And because I'm not smart enough to have been an engineer to design the real things, this is the next best thing! And in the little game you fill your park with all kinds of people. So I've decided my goal is to build a roller coaster ride that will make my little people throw up. Hooray! Will keep you posted.

So, yeah. That's it. Gearing myself up to move around the first week of August. Yeah, I know it's a while away, but still. More than anything I'm looking forward to saving some money on rent. And hopefully someplace away from traffic noise and zooming ambulances (heroic as they are), someplace with birds and maybe the odd bit of whatever wildlife lurks in the 'burbs. Yeah.

And that's that! Dull, I know. But am happy. I like Australia and Brisbane is pretty easy to live in I have to admit. Just you wait until I start paying off the little Amex card and the little scooter and start saving some money, oooooh. I have my list of adventures just sitting there waiting!!!!!! Good things come to those who, well, pay their bills off!


Movie Quote of the Week:

"Y-you cheated!"

Orlando Bloom & Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean (I)

Tee hee.

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