Monday, June 11, 2007

Champagne & Scones for the Queen!


Well. What can I say? Same week, different, uh, week........ Nice, long weekend though - which is why, again, I'm a day late (fell asleep last night & when I woke up it was far too late to make coherent sense)... This extra day off was to celebrate the Queen's Birthday... even though they don't actually celebrate it in England even. But hey! I'm not complaining - it was a day off! 4-day week ahead - waahhoooo!

So work. Yep. It's good. I asked The Boss when they thought they might cut me loose.... She gave a really vague answer along the lines of because I'm there to just do "projects" and I've been given two more little "projects" to do, her answer was "Well, it all depends on how long you think it will take you to finish those two little projects". Ummmmmmm. Ok. Sooooo it could be a month more, it could be 2 months... I don't really know. So for now, I'll keep showing up and do what I do until they pull me into a "meeting" and cut me loose. I'd love for them to keep me forever, and I've told them, but it's looking kinda doubtful at this point..... Ahhhh, the peril of project work I guess!

Otherwise, the week was the same as all the others. Nice, quiet, little dull, etcetcetc but I don't mind. Am trying to save for my birthday. I want to live large on the day and that's gonna take dough. Want to spend half the day in a day spa, go to a movie, eat some lunch and meet the girls for a fancy pants dinner. So yeah, gotta saaaaaaave!

And then we come to the weekend! Was the usual with the errands, cleaning and wandering around. But today, today I made an effort. I got up with the sun (right now, around 6-6.30am), got myself together, and I and the little scooter had a little adventure up to Mt. Coot-tha to take in the views. Well. Long story short, I ended up on the freeway, where things move at a minimum speed of 90kmh - me, I can only go 65 flat tack. So yeah. I was pretty terrified. How was I to know that "Scenic Drive to Mt. Coot-tha" meant freeway????? In my world it means lovely meandering cruise through twisty forest roads along cliffs! So yeah, wrong turn and there I was on the Western Freeway headed to Ipswich (37 km). Thank goodness there was barely any traffic to speak of or I'da been dead. But never mind, I made it up there without becoming roadkill. Pretty. Nice view. All the tv stations live up there right underneath their towers. Kinda weird but neat up close. Tho I must admit that first thing in the morning can't be the best time for photographs - the light is going the wrong way. So all apologies for the photos. Will plan better next time. And hey, coming back down and into town the trip was 10 billion times easier and shorter - whooooole different set of roads! So will definitely head up there again. But I gotta say it was pretty exciting getting up there! Won't go that way ever again (unless in a car)!

And then came home (had a little glass of champagne to settle the nerves and to celebrate not becoming roadkill), wandered into town to pick up one of those groovy silicone baking muffin trays so I could come home and make scones! This time they came out really good! Bacon, cheddar & chives - mmmmMMM! I know, kinda sad to be that excited about baking, but they're really good and now I don't have to buy them from the bakery anymore!

And really, that's it. Gotta save some dough. So yeah, hope you're all well up there!!!!!! C'mon down and have a scone!!!!


Movie Quote of the Week...

"What do you mean "they" cut the power?! They're animals, man!"

Bill Paxton, Aliens

Tee hee

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