Sunday, June 03, 2007

Scones in Malls


Well. That week was good. Fast. That's how they should be! Uneventful, as usual, but good.

So yeah. Work. Good. Little busier now. I've inherited two more little manuals to format and stuff........... And the big momma manual is getting closer to going to the printers.... The Project Manager got a new job somewhere else, so the Director (my boss) and I are going to figure out how to get it printed and stuff. So hopefully I can help as much as I can with never having really worked on something like this. But hey, it ain't rocket science and it's not like I have someones brain or heart to work on! But otherwise, all's well! Still no word yet if they'll keep me past the end of the month.... May ask in the next week or so.....

The little scooter still scoots pretty well. Was only really able to ride it into work once last week - rain. I know they need it desperately here, but hey, I'm not making monthly payments on my own wheels to spend more money on public transport! But I don't mind really. Saves me getting wet and dirty or dying on a slippery corner. Call me a wuss.

Oh yeah, Glen came down from Cairns for a quick night on Tuesday; on his way up to Hervey Bay to spend some time at his Aunt and Uncle's while his Uncle is visiting in Scotland (Glen & family are Scottish)..... Was a nice, quick visit. Nice to catch up and gossip. Last time I saw him was about a year ago. We met in Auckland working at a dive shop and at one point I needed a roommate, but unfortunately that was when I realised I can't actually live with people besides family really. No regular people, boyfriends maybe........ Sad, tough lesson, but now I know. We're pretty good friends now though, just can't ever live together!

And then there's the weekend! It's been pretty quiet. Saturday went to the (expansively carpeted) Carindale mall to look at furniture I can't afford (because there's a good chance I'll have to move in August when my lease runs out - rent might go up) and picked up a new cat toy for the spoiled fat cat, and to just wander. I hate malls, I've realised. More so on the weekends. I guess you just have to get in early before the strollers and screaming babies. Urgh.

And today, Pam from my old work came over and we went to lunch at the pub down the road and wandered around town for a little bit. Gossipped, etc. Was nice to see her. She was the only one to help me keep my sanity when I was working at "that school" back in March. Sounds like things haven't really changed - hooray for escape!

And really, aside from a quick visit to the grocery store to procure the ingredients to make your basic scones (from a recipe I got out of some magazine, which have just come out of the oven and they're bland as all get out. Tastes like eating a paper towel. Not that I eat paper towels. So now I have 12 scones that taste like paper towels that I have no idea what to do with) bought some cat litter, did the usual chores, man, it was a really quiet weekend. Nice, but quiet. Oh yeah, I know one thing I did last night, ugh, I colored my hair. It came out really dark. Am almost embarrassed to go to work tomorrow. I've done this before tho, always with a new brand of color. It was supposed to be pretty, light copper red. Maybe it'll be that color after about 20 washes. Maybe that's what they mean on the box - color will come right after 20 washes..... 'Cos the color my hair turned isn't even an option in those little 'before' 'after' photos on the box!!!!!! Hmmmm. Bumm-er man.

So am afraid it's got to be one of the dullest little blurbs I've written, well, for a couple weeks! Sorry. Must be the weather. It's been really warm for what they call winter, yet it's dark when I wake up and dark not long after I get home, and it's been trying to rain for the last 2 or so weeks....... seems like it wants to be spring!!!!! So my mood and sleep patterns are fuzzy at best. But, hey, silver lining - the shortest day is the 21st! And then bring on more daylight hours! That's probably when it'll get really cold!

Ahhhh well, I hope you're all well up there! I often look into coming up there for a visit and a dose of Mexican food, but until tickets come down below AU$2,500, I'm not going anywhere. You guys come down here! Don't make me come up there to get you!


Movie Quote of the Week...

"We're gonna need a bigger boat."
Roy Scheider, Jaws


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...