Well. Excellent little week. Easy. Love this job and the lack of stress it invites on my little life, especially on the weekends. It just makes the weekends that much easier and relaxing; so that when Sunday comes, I'm not dreading work at all, just sad that the weekend was so seemingly short.
So work. Yep. Moving right along with getting this Rural Fire Brigade Manual updated, finalised and printed. I'm telling you, if you, or anyone you know, wants to start up your own fire brigade in a rural area of Australia, ask me, I can help you do everything. From telling you the
And then there's the little weekend. Went by pretty fast for not doing much. I was a good girl with crazy energy Friday night and did most of my chores just home from work. Wierd. Saturday, well, started to make a new bracelet; sewing it together in a native-american kinda style. Very time- and patience-consuming. But I'm sure it will be very cool once it's finished. In about a month. Finished the 6th Harry Potter book (!!!?). So now it's just a waiting game until July 21st and the last book ever! And then..... gotta find a new series to read! And today, Sunday, get this - I went shopping. With Cindy and Natasha. In a big Outlet Mall. Man. We weren't messing around. We even did two laps of the place, doubling-back for stuff. That was dangerous but successful. I spent my sort-of hard-earned birthday savings. Ahh well, if you'd seen the state of the one and only belt I own, you'd excuse my splurge. But I couldn't stop there, am ashamed to admit. Got two belts because I liked one a lot (dark red) and really needed the other (boring tan) (hey, they were $10 bucks each. Leather. Enough said.), then I bought a
And here I am, after that kinda day, with the energy and enthusiasm left over to check in! Yeah! Was a very good weekend, in a chilled-out, expensive kinda way. Ahhhhh!
Oh yeah, one thing last week, ran into my Building Manager and, long story short, my rent will be jacked in August (when my lease is up) so I'll be needing to move. I kinda knew it was going to happen as when I look online for apartments, places here seem to be going for around $360 - 370 a week. And that's just silly money. I mean, what I'm paying now is silly money, but that's even sillier. So yeah. Sigh. The hunt is on. Am torn between getting a nice, unfurnished place in a decent neighborhood (not on a busy, main road with ambulances zooming up and down it at all hours) or a basic unfurnished place to bust out the bills that I still owe on (little scooter, little American Express card). Basically, it's going to have to be unfurnished, that takes at least 50 bucks off the rent. So yeah. Stay tuned.....
And that's that! Dull, as usual, but there it is. For now. The weather is absolutely perfect at the moment - lovely during the day and chilly at night -ahhhhh, winter in the Southern Hemisphere in a sub-tropical climate - excellent!!! C'mon down!
Movie Quote of the Week -
"I'm a stalker in a Taurus."
Bill Murray, Broken Flowers
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