Sunday, July 15, 2007

Racing Through the Weekend


Well. Another quiet week gone. Geez, for not doing much, the week goes pretty fast. And the weekend even faster.

So work. Yep. Very quiet. I honestly didn't do a heck of a lot at all this week because, well, there just isn't that much for me to be doing right now. Which is good, but can be kinda bad. I hope I don't get in trouble for surfing the net for recipes. It seems to be one of the few websites that aren't blocked for one random reason or another. Now the trick will be to actually cook all this stuff I'm finding interesting recipes for!!!!! But yeah, work is very good, just a little quiet at the moment. It'll pick up.

And then here we are again at the weekend! I actually did something Saturday! Gasp! Shock! I actually went outta town, kinda. Natasha and a few of her friends, every year they go to the Esk Races - it's a teeny little town about an hour and a half west and slightly north of Brisbane. And what happens is different businesses and regular people pay around $45 bucks to get a bus ride there and back, including the entry fee; it's a fund raising thing of sorts, I think. Anyways, really, it's just a day out to drink and socialise with, well, people from the city. You see locals wandering around (they're the ones not wearing stiletto heels or a Superman costume) watching all the silly, drunken city-folk. So yeah, we got there around 10.30am or so and earlier, when I got to where we met the buses at 9am, most people had already started drinking. I tell ya, from what I've seen, Aussies only need the flimsiest of excuses to make it an occasion to drink. So the day passed much the same. We got there and met up with some friends of Natasha's who had a tent (and they dressed up in red and white shirts that said "Where's Wally?" (Waldo) on the back, and one of the guys dressed up like Waldo, then they'd occasionally walk around in a group and people would point and laugh and shout "Where's Wally?!", then see the guy and shout "There he is!!!" Sooo silly!) So we pulled up a couple of chairs, ate some food (part of the fun is that you make all your own food and bring your own booze and then share with everyone). And we just sat and talked and watched the people. It was actually a really fun day. Oh, and there were horses that raced too. We saw one race. But heard the others (the thunder as they ran past). It's not so much about the actual race I learned. It's all about a massive group of people getting together to socialize and drink. I heard they were expecting 6,000 people! And some people dress up fancy (there's some sort of fashion parade on the track at some point) and some people got really decked out and rented costumes and makeup and the whole nine yards (there was a costume competition too). Everyone was really nice and well-behaved. It was fun. Dusty. Dry. Fun. And then everyone stumbles back to the buses around 5pm and that was that! Fun!

And then today was nice and quiet, relaxing, chore day. Went by fast tho. Oh well. Am just so happy to have a job that I don't waste Sunday dreading Monday.

And that's that! The weather's been lovely but pretty chilly at night (averaging mid-40's!!). But during the day it's nice and sunny and dry (dry is bad, we need rain, but I like dry over humid any day, even tho that's bad; I need to be a good Aussie and hope for rain like everyone else.... but if they'd lived in NZ for 4 years, they'd be pretty sick of rain too... I'm just sayin'). And yeah, things are fine otherwise. Kona is fine, big. He loves lettuce. I tell you, he eats better than me some days - his dry, Science Diet food and a little plate on the side with lettuce and tuna. I make his little dinner up and look at it and wonder why I can't eat just tuna and lettuce and be happy. I love pizza tho, it's my one little splurge every other weekend or so. I eat really good otherwise! Well, more or less....... But yeah, things are fine. Work - good, cat - good. Apartment - good, for now. Time is ticking and I suspended the hunt for new digs because I got too sad and frustrated. The hunt will resume tomorrow. I have to have something to do at work! Hopefully a nice, happy, cheap place will materialize and things will be good - let the saving$ begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, hope you're all well up there! Come on down! Or at least drop a line and let me know what you think of my dull little blog - suggestions, complaints, compliments.....???! Let 'em fly!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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