Well. It's really kind of amazing how fast the week can go when you just put your head down and don't think of how long a week can be. And then next thing you know, poof! it's Saturday! But then, just as quick, it's Monday morning, and the fun starts all over again. Whew!
But hey, work is good. It's also amazing how I can fill an entire week, 8 hours a day, by doing pretty much nothing. It's this project I'm working on - there're so many other people working on it, and I've come in pretty late in its game, that there really isn't a heck of a lot for me to be doing. For the time being. Hopefully by Friday I'll have something more to be doing besides merely looking busy! But, honest, I'm not complainin'!!!!
And here we are at Sunday. Cleaned the house..... Did some laundry.... "Uncle Buck" is on tv at the moment, love this movie. Such a shame John Candy checked out so soon. One more reason not to eat bacon on a regular basis! And that's about it! Nice weekend. Weather is still pretty chilly, especially at night. It's been around the mid-30's - cold! But sunny and dry so that makes it bearable.
And that's that! Takin' the day off from work tomorrow. I have this little rule that, unless I'm gonna be fired, I take the day off on my birthday. So. Am sleeping in (rule #2), taking myself to breakfast at this nice little cafe right on the river, then not sure, might take the ferry from one end of the river to the other (one of my favorite things to do). Then I'm taking myself to go see the new Harry Potter movie (dork) but am going "Gold Class"! I've never been but it's apparently pretty swish - tiny little cinema, big, comfy, reclining chairs, little table where they bring you food and drinks! So yeah, even if I've heard some not-so-great reviews of the movie, ahhhhhhh, it can't be that bad from a comfy chair and table service!!! And then home to change and then I'm meeting the gals for dinner at Tukka, it's this fancy pants Australian cuisine restaurant; they have stuff like crocodile, kangaroo, emu, etc on the menu. Should be pretty interesting!!!!
So there it is! I hope you're all well up there!!!!!!!
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