Sunday, April 01, 2007

Spare Change?


Well. That was a fine week if I do say so myself. And a nice, relaxing weekend too. Weather was nice, not so unbearably hot and gross; I think we could be getting past this whole summer thing. I had two, count 'em, two in a row, mid-week paid days off - had to use 'em or lose 'em, ahhhhh the Queensland government, so I used 'em! Was busy tho, signing up with two more temp agencies (sigh, that brings our grand total to five). And basically the weekend was just lovely and chilled-out. Just right really!

So the week was pretty good, as far as last week's at steady employment go. Was sorry to leave everyone, aside from the little devil in heels. Such nicenice folks. Oh well. If only they were in charge! And yeah, took Wednesday and Thursday off because, well, I could, so I signed up with two more agencies. And amazingly enough, by Friday afternoon, I had a gig for Monday. Through one of the new agencies (those gals were pretty nice and normal). So it's only for 2 weeks, diary management and general monkey stuff, so what? It's more than the other four could cough up! And that was with my harassing them all week! So yeah, start that tomorrow. Ooooh! Change! I hope it goes ok. Don't get me wrong, I love change, but work-change? Short-term? Eeeehhhh. You have to be nice all the time, no one gets your jokes, you don't know where the toilets are, some offices are mazes so the hazard of getting lost is always a stark reality............... Otherwise, change is good! Ahhhhhh, am looking forward to a change of venue. Whatever. Keeps the money coming in and the bank happy!!!!! So here's hoping it's a decent gig and that they're nice people!

And yeah, so Saturday was spent sneezing all day, hmmmm. Allergic to something I guess. I'm not allergic to anything....... yet. And yes my house is clean! Funny, every time I sneezed Kona meowed. Tee hee. So couldn't really do much more than, well, blow my nose and surf the 'net for gainful employment. Can't believe how much kleenex I went through..... Must write letter of praise to Sudafed.........

And today was really nice. Got up early, cleaned the house (that's not that dirty!) and went into town to meet Natasha for breakfast. MMmmmmm. Went to this place I've been dying to try since I got here.... y'know, wouldn't you know it, I've totally forgotten the name of the restaurant... (might be Pancake House, maybe?)! Dur. Anyways, their claim to fame is apparently, pancakes! So we gave them a try. Not bad! It wasn't IHOP or Denny's by any stretch, but it has potential. Hmmmmmmmmmm, another business idea.... J's Diner! Mmmmmm. Frito pie for everyone! Garden cinema first, then the diner!

And really, that was about it. Gave the little scooter a bath. Well, water restrictions the way they are here (bad drought and all), I didn't need water. Heh. For little bikes like mine they make this spray stuff. So you just spray it on and buff it off. And now man! It's shiny and sparkly!!!! Like new! Not that it was that dirty anyways, but it had a far bit of dust, dirt and bug guts. Ahhh, the groovy thing about leaving the last gig is no more dicey rides to work!!!! Geez, now I'll be lucky to take the little scooter out once a week.... Hmmm. It was the dicey ride that gave me confidence, now that I think of it.... Hmmmm. Will have to go out on weekends and discover new places then (bring back the adventures!). Keep the little battery from dying! Ahhhhh, the little scooter is pretty cool. But I have to say, when I was at the Yamaha dealer last picking up my $$$$ helmet, I was checking out the bigger motorcycles. Pret-ty cool. So I don't have $12,000, a girl can dream!? I've decided I quite like "cruisers". Not big, spread out handle bars, or lying down over the thing, but just chilled-out, normal, sit up straight stuff. Yeah. Well, in time. Gotta master the little 50cc before conquering the 1,200 or whatever it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's it! So yeah, here's to change!!!!!!! Hope you're all well up there!!!!! And if you guys need a change, I'm sure there're deals for flights down here, you just have to look!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

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