Sunday, March 25, 2007

Via con Helmet!


Well. That was a fine week if I do say so myself. Solved the little work problem. Took a mid-week day off to test drive my brand-spanking new $600+ helmet that's finally arrived from Japan it's soooooo COOOOL!). Got to surf the 'net for jobs -at work. And generally came to accept the fact that I have thrown myself off another job cliff yet again.

So the week started out with a little (lie, a lot) of dread about going to work, but managed to get to the big boss to hand in my notice first thing Monday morning. Such a shame, but there it is. So that was done, now to get through the next 2 weeks with the little devil-in-heels. Well. What should happen come that same Monday afternoon? Awwww, the poor thing-in-heels got sent home on two-weeks' "stress leave". Awwwwww. And then, like magic, my work-load plummeted along with my stress levels! And bonus, the big boss was out of the office most of the week at meetings!!!!!!! So to add to my good mood, not only could I actually hear the music coming out of my little computer for once, I took one of my two remaining sick days to ride around in my groovy, new, and grossly expensive helmet. And hey, I discovered a new neighborhood - Tenneriffe. Niiiiiice. Like a cleaned-up and totally yuppified Brooklyn. It was niiiiice. I wanna live there too! Must get job, then can move.

And then the weekend was rather quiet. In a good way. Saturday I spent proof-reading and lightly editing my Grandad's autobiography. What an interesting life. I now chalk up to hereditary my inability to stay in one place. It started with my Grandad (and Grandma, even if it was more or less against her will), then to my parents (for leaving Indiana and driving one-way across the country to San Diego when I was all of 8 weeks old), and today, well, I'm only doing what's in our bloodline. As much as I complain about, well, lots, about setting up shop in a new place, be it in the US or outside of, I love it. I love seeing new places and settling in like a local. No matter how tough it can be at times. It's great. It's liberating. It's free (well, spiritually. The credit cards say otherwise). Sometimes I feel like a spy, only without the danger or wild glamor. Or some guy named James.

And today was spent cleaning the house like a crazy person. I have no idea what came over me. And it was hot and really gross out today (nothing a rootbeer float couldn't fix). I even did the windows, tho only had enough paper-towels for the inside. AND, I moved the furniture around the living-room. Kona's not so sure, and I'm not either..... But I think I like it. Just because the builders only put one power point in the entire living-room, next to the only internal antenna, does not mean the TV has to live in that same spot for all of eternity. So what if now I have to drape the antenna cable over stuff just to make out the picture, I have a new view from the couch! And the neighbors can't watch me sitting there watching TV. Excellent!

And that was it. It rained by the end of the day, that was nice. Means it was humid for a reason. Cooled everything off. Bit of a breeze too. Nice.

And that's that! So yeah, here's to my last week of work! Eeeeek! Ahhhh well, it was for the best. Onwards and upwards!!!!!!!!!!!!! Via con dios! as my Grandad liked to say!


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