Sunday, March 04, 2007

Lazy Romans


Well. Weekends come and weekends go. Shame. Damn Romans. It's their fault weekends are only two days. They were good at lazing around, you'd've thought they'd come up with 3 or 4 days to the weekend. Ahhh well. But, this one was pretty nice. Weather was the same - hot, muggy, etc, but ahhhhhh, the reason why I pay so much rent is to not only live so close to town, but to have a pool. Ahhhhh. And, bonus, all the hoons were out of town this weekend! So I could actually get in there during normal daylight hours, spend some time and lay in the sun for a little bit - all undisturbed! No silly teenagers doing dive bombs! Excellent! I tell you, it's the little things that can make a weekend just that much nicer. That, and A&W. Mmmmmmmmm!

So the week went by. Busy. Learninglearninglearning all the time. Get this - I actually had to be a member on an interview panel (there were 3 of us). What a gig that is. What a switch from alllll those times sitting on the other side of the table. I wanted so badly to tell the gal to 'pleasepleaseplease don't be nervous, you have the job by a mile just by showing up, walking and talking!' And the fact she was the only one we interviewed! What a rotten thing they are - panel interviews. Horrible idea for a simple monkey job. A CEO in charge of billions of funds and thousands of people, ok, but a little office monkey? C'mon. What a waste of perfectly good nerves.

It was Pam's birthday Friday. Gal I work with. She's reallyreally cool. Helps me keep my sanity in one place at work. So I took her to the movies today over at Carindale mall, the one with the amazing wall-to-wall carpeting (again, no camera. How slack am I getting). Went and saw "Music and Lyrics". Yeah, I know. But it was her birthday and that's what she wanted to see. So, check your brain at the door and go on in. And you know, it was cute. I quite like Drew Barrymore and Hugh Grant, well, he's just himself and can deliver a great line. It was ok. You could see it all coming a mile away, but it was still cute. Definitely a dvd rainy day kinda film.

And that was it! Did the usual, cleaned, shopped, read, swam, but, amazingly enough - no nap this weekend! Am not such a Grandma after all! Maybe it was those motorcycle gloves I bought that gave me energy, made me cooooool! I went into the Yamaha dealership Thursday to find out where the hell my $600 helmet is, as it hasn't come in yet. Apparently it's due to arrive (from where? the moon?!) in a few more weeks. But standing around with the sales guy, well, you just have to tell me one or two scooter near-death stories and that'll be me kitted up with leathers to go maybe 40 miles an hour, tops. So I thought little gloves were a good way to start my collection.

So there you are. Oh, just one little note, I've actually written a couple of nice, long informative emails and managed to hit the wrong button and seen them vanish. I hate Hotmail. Katie knows what I'm talking about. So yes, I am trying. Must use different email provider....... So just so you know, am trying to write. Am sorry for being such a neglectful friend. It doesn't mean I don't wonder how everyone is!!!! And again, that's one main reason for this little blog. Because I have 2 managers breathing down my neck, and one of those managers giving me all the work she can't be bothered to do, I have very little time to myself. 'Work shouldn't be like this' (she screams, shaking her fist at the sky)!!!!!! Either way, I hope you're all well up there! And yes, as of this month, I will be staying for a little while longer yet. Even though at Pam's birthday drinks on Friday I got to talking to 2 gals who'd just visited Mexico in November and all we talked about was the fooooood, I'll still stay here a wee while longer. So c'mon down! The weather's only going to get nicer! Hey, March 1st was the first day of Autumn!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...