Well. Another week, another weekend. This time I knew I would be in no mood whatsoever to face work so early as Monday, so I took the day off ahead of time. Properly, like a normal person, instead of coming up with an illness. I marched into the boss' office first thing Friday morning, said 'I need to take Monday off, is that ok?' And it was! Cool. Trick is, the other boss, who wasn't in on Friday, the one who thinks I'm her slave "Jennifer, answer my phone! Jennifer, go get my printing from the printer! Jennifer, peel my grapes!" etcetcetc.... won't like it one bit. Who'll answer her phone?! Gasp! God forbid I take a day to myself! I need the day to re-write my resume for the 900th time and find a new job! Duh!!!! So yeah. That's my splurge day off. Get this, it'll be PAID! One benefit to having a "real" job. Whatever. It's not worth the poo I have to swim through just to get stuff done in that job. Jobs. I actually do 3 jobs, but who's counting. I'd like just one, thank you. Or, 3 that pay lots. Hmmm.
So anyways. Quiet weekend. Hot. Muggy. Hard to do much. It's their monsoon season down here, so the sky is full of puffy and sometimes scary clouds that don't do anything. Ahh, sometimes it'll sprinkle, but nothing much. Kinda like the monsoon season in Tucson, only minus the awesome storms and lightning and torrential rain for 1/2 an hour. I think it does that here in the spring actually...... Will pay attention when that season rolls around again. Either way, they reallyreally need the rain. They're in the middle of a very bad drought. Yet everyone wants lush, green lawns and gardens full of flowers.......... Cactus for everyone I say!
So yeah, quiet here, again. Hey, I read a few of those travel brochures I'd picked up last weekend at the Travel Expo..... Yeah. I've now learned that they don't put the prices in for a reason - because if they put the prices in, you would leave the brochure with the travel agent and your money safe in your wallet. I looked at one really cool 16 day trip to the Kimberly's (northern Western Australia) and including everything minus the flight from Brissy to Darwin (a few hundred on its own), the trip cost (have a seat) $4,500. Yeah. So Plan B for trip planning I believe! No wonder Australians all go overseas for a trip.
So the week went by fast, stressful and busy. Eeeeew, this work stuff........ And then the weekend
And today I did the usual stuff, after having rested all day Saturday. What an old lady I am anymore. I blame the humidity. But anyways, today I met Natasha and her
And that's about it. Resume revamp tomorrow. I bet the high-maintenance boss will call me by.... 10am and maybe again in the day around........ 3........ Hopefully she won't, but I wouldn't put it past her. Did any of you see "The Devil Wears Prada"? Almost, but not quite. This is Australia after all, and a little trade college, not Vanity Fair. But the sentiment is the same. Yep. Only 2 people won the 1st division in the lottery this weekend. They got 2 mil each. Yeahyeahyeah, you can't win if you don't play........ Well, I think I'm gonna. Because this work stuff sucks!
Hope you're all well up there! And if anyone wants to come down for a visit, well, it's hot and humid. But if you do, bring Mexican food - 3 rolled tacos with guacamole and 3 hot sauces, a quesadilla with a side of guacamole and a medium coke from Nico's on Ft. Lowell and Campbell! Mmmmmmm!BYE!
1 comment:
Ahhhh, A&W Rootbeer has that frosty mug taste. I still have my mug from our Southwest trip! I would like to rub in that I went to "Super Sergio's" (formally Alberto's) and had the Special #2, rolled tacos with rice, which I sub the rice for refried beans. Es muy bueno!! With cheese and guaq. Mmmmmmmmmm! Love, KT:)
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