Well. That week went by fast. Which is good, but kinda bad in that it just makes the weekend go by fast too. Saturday I did nothing. I had absolutely no energy. If they were giving away bags of money and trips around the world, and all I'd had to do was walk down to the middle of Queen Street to collect my prize, I couldn't have done it. It was all I could do to move from the couch to the kitchen to get more water or tea. I don't know what it was, but all I had the energy to do was watch TV. And I never do that on the weekends, especially during the day. All day I watched movies or travel shows. Travel shows are very dangerous I've realised. They give me ideas I could never hope to afford.
Ironically, there was a Travel Expo on at the Convention Centre all this weekend. So I hauled myself
And that was it. Nada. Nothing. Had no energy. I think it was because it was a really stressful week at work (am doing the jobs of 3 people after all) and the A/C is out again at work, with no cross-breeze to speak of and a pregnant gal who needs the fan more than me. Maybe I'll take a day off this week......
So unfortunately, no adventures were had. I don't really count going to the Convention Centre to collect hundreds of travel brochures an adventure, even tho it had the potential for adventure. If I had bought a trip or a cruise, now, that would've been an adventure.

And that's that! Short and sweet and dull. Ahhhh well, I'll have a look through these Outback brochures and start coming up with some ideas......! Well, I hope you're all well up there!
1 comment:
Kona looks like he found a cool spot! I love the pic you took of the rooftops with the mist. Looks neat. Am glad you chose not to splat yourself on the street in the rain! Lol, you'll be a pro in no time. Love, KT:)
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