Monday, April 30, 2007

Will Bowl for Work


Well. That was a week. Excellent weekend though! Which is why am a little late with the update here....!

So yeah, the week. Not bad, shortish. We had Wednesday off for Anzac Day (Veterans Day). I gotta say, they really respect and honor their vets a lot more than we do. And the little kids really get into it as well. It's really kinda cool. I went to the parade last year, it was packed full of all kinds of people and kids. Long. There was even an American Legion represented by a handful of Vets. Pretty neat. So that was a nice little break in the week. Felt like we'd had a weekend and then it was back to it - only to a shorter week!

Work. Ummmmm. Yeah. I guess all I can say is I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Film & TV production, with lots of experience in theatre production, a bit in TV, and then lots of other weird and random work experiences and skills. Some quite good and others, eh, not so much. But I'm learning that there are certain jobs I'm not cut out to do. Like reception, dictation, dish-washing, and just general personal/executive assistant (what I've realized is actually just babysitting grown-ups in suits). These jobs, I can no longer do. My bank is not at all happy about this. Maybe I should get a job in a bank......... Anyways. So yeah. I had to pull out of that University gig after all. Thursday, the guy who demanded I do their dishes (see previous little blog entry), well, guess he's not used to people saying 'no' to him so he took it as a personal attack and came up with a few very bitter and snide comments about America being a thoroughly "horrible country" and Americans thoroughly "awful people". I was sitting 2 feet away facing him as he said this to a gal standing next to him. Hey, I'm all for freedom of speech and opinions, heaven knows I heard four years of similar opinions in NZ. Nevertheless, I reminded the agency that my last day with that gig would be Friday. And Friday it was. So here I am now, no gig yet (which explains why I'm writing this on Monday afternoon - and it's not a holiday today!), but something will come up, am not too worried. Yet. I'm just hoping that the something doesn't involve babysitting.....!? Fingers crossed!

And then the weekend! Whew! Was good! Ran the usual errands on Saturday with Natasha and her friend Samantha. And then Sunday I met the girls (Cindy, Jan and Patricia) out in Patricia's 'burb of Banyo (a bit of a ways out, right near the Golden Circle cannery - it's where they can all the fruit and stuff) and we went and played lawn bowls! It's a very Australian pastime. You catch it on TV or in movies now and then, a bunch of guys standing around in all white rolling balls around a perfect lawn. And it's an apparently male-dominated pastime too. Which I don't get because it's very chilled-out, slow and kinda girly, I thought. They apparently, in some clubs, didn't allow women to join and play until the 60's! And even now they have strict rules about what the players wear, women's skirt-lengths and all that. Sooo funny. But it was a lot of fun! Hee hee, we walked into the club, which was mainly empty, and the gal standing at the bar looked at us (pretty surprised to see us) and announced "You won't find anyone else here - they're either all in bed or dead!" Hee, I muttered "Or both" just to the girls, we giggled. And yeah, we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. We were the entertainment to the 4 resident drunks (including one really tough-looking biker dude). It's hard to explain the place, and pictures wouldn't have done it justice. You have to go find a little Australian movie called "Cracker Jack" and that'll give you the best idea of what it's like. But man, we had a great time. No idea who won or how to keep score for that matter! And then we went out for Indian food, took it to Patricia's and gossipped until it was time to call it a night (school night, so we were all home by 7 or so); too late for me to write, but hey, here's one benefit to being unemployed!

So yeah, was a bit of a rough week, but an excellent weekend! And that's about it! So we'll see what this week brings..... !? Hope you're all well up there! If anyone wants to come for a visit, better do it quick while I have the time off, before I get a job!!!!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...