Well that was a nice, short-ish week - 4 days of work, Monday off because of Easter. Ex-cellent. Bad for bank account, good for kink in neck. I swear, every day I've been away from that last job, so many muscles have gone back to where they originally were before the stress and fun of all of that. Hooray!
So yes, was a lovely week, nice short temp gig with not much to do... Nice. So, now getting ready for brand new gig tomorrow at the Queensland University of
Otherwise, the week was fine and quiet. Nice. Weekend was pretty much the same. Cleaned, went to the grocery store, and ran (scooted) all over town looking for a normal-looking kevlar motorcycle jacket. These people who design motorcycle jackets for women must think we really like pink. Or baby blue. Otherwise, that's it. You have to get small men's stuff which has, I don't know, dragons breathing flames, or naked chicks, or skulls painted all over it. So dumb. And I went to the biggest shop in Brisbane and the guy said if I went into business designing "normal" motorcycle gear for women, I'd make a killing because no other company does. Biggest shop in Brisbane and they had like 6 choices for women's jackets. They had a couple leather ones (one
(That picture on the left is from the first year fashion design students - their "sock assignment" - it's all made from socks!)
And today was cleaning day. So now the house is sparkly. Then I realized I should go check out
(That pic there on the right is where my new office is...!)
And yeah, that's about it. Boring, I know. And no real adventures to speak of. So now that the weather is doing it's best to cool down and behave more like Autumn, and if this turns out to be a decent, stable, long-term job, then yes, by all means, I will rent that car and take my butt outta Dodge for the weekend! Promise!
So I hope you're all well up there! Sorry for not ever writing an email. Again, if this turns out to be a decent gig, I'll get right back in the swing of communication again!!!! I know the little blog is kinda boring, but I hope it helps keep you posted with what I'm up to down here (not much, but you know how I mean)!
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