Sunday, April 15, 2007

Off to Work We Go! Again!


Well that was a nice, short-ish week - 4 days of work, Monday off because of Easter. Ex-cellent. Bad for bank account, good for kink in neck. I swear, every day I've been away from that last job, so many muscles have gone back to where they originally were before the stress and fun of all of that. Hooray!

So yes, was a lovely week, nice short temp gig with not much to do... Nice. So, now getting ready for brand new gig tomorrow at the Queensland University of
Technology. Finally! A real University! AND, bonus, have been booked to work in the Creative Industries faculty, doing, I don't know, Monkey stuff. From the website it looks like the faculty where they teach the kids how to do film and tv, fashion, media, etc. Heh. And here'll be me shouting at all of them - "Get real jobs! Be an engineer! Don't get an Arts degree!!!! Don't do it!" Heh heh. So yeah, even tho it's Monkey work in yet another faculty, am looking forward to this one. Goes until June (with the possibility of extension, that's what they always say in case you turn out to not be such a good worker-Monkey; and if you be a good Monkey, they keep you for longer and give you more bananas!), so that'll keep the bank happy for a little while. So, again, fingers crossed it's a good gig!!!!!

Otherwise, the week was fine and quiet. Nice. Weekend was pretty much the same. Cleaned, went to the grocery store, and ran (scooted) all over town looking for a normal-looking kevlar motorcycle jacket. These people who design motorcycle jackets for women must think we really like pink. Or baby blue. Otherwise, that's it. You have to get small men's stuff which has, I don't know, dragons breathing flames, or naked chicks, or skulls painted all over it. So dumb. And I went to the biggest shop in Brisbane and the guy said if I went into business designing "normal" motorcycle gear for women, I'd make a killing because no other company does. Biggest shop in Brisbane and they had like 6 choices for women's jackets. They had a couple leather ones (one
was stripes of black and white and baby blue, of course) and it cost $700!!!!! And it was little and ugly! They grow their own cows here, why is leather so crazy expensive??! Same as New Zealand! Sheesh. So just maybe I'll grab one of these little fashion students from my new gig at the school and make them design stuff for me and my new company! Hmmm.
(That picture on the left is from the first year fashion design students - their "sock assignment" - it's all made from socks!)

And today was cleaning day. So now the house is sparkly. Then I realized I should go check out
where I'm working tomorrow, so grabbed my little map/directions and headed off. Well, it's not far at all, about 1/2 an hour's walk in the other direction from town, in the suburb of Kelvin Grove, the 'hood behind mine. That's a nice change not having to walk through the city to get to work. I get to walk through Brisbane Grammar School, built in 1868. It's pretty nice (I think it's where the rich kids all go). I guess a grammar school here is actually a high school. Also have to walk past the Normaby Hotel (pub, even though it looks like a car dealership). The place is massive. Fulla 18 year olds getting drunk (you can drink at 18 here. Crazy). Then it's along the inner-city bypass and then there's the University. Easy. Nice campus, the little bit of it I checked out while I was there. New "precinct", they spent millllllions on it. And there's a teeny little shopping center with an interesting set of shops - all fresh, gourmet cheeses, fruits, veggies, olive oils and meats and stuff. So I'm looking at all this nice stuff, that I can't afford, and I'm thinking, "If I can't afford this stuff, little ol' Uni students can't possibly afford it either!". Strange. But nice to know it's there in case I need a really rare Italian cheese to go with my ultra rare olive oil!
(That pic there on the right is where my new office is...!)

And yeah, that's about it. Boring, I know. And no real adventures to speak of. So now that the weather is doing it's best to cool down and behave more like Autumn, and if this turns out to be a decent, stable, long-term job, then yes, by all means, I will rent that car and take my butt outta Dodge for the weekend! Promise!

So I hope you're all well up there! Sorry for not ever writing an email. Again, if this turns out to be a decent gig, I'll get right back in the swing of communication again!!!! I know the little blog is kinda boring, but I hope it helps keep you posted with what I'm up to down here (not much, but you know how I mean)!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...