Sunday, April 22, 2007

Moths with Jobs


Well. Yeah. Nice enough week. Very busy and long. Looovely weekend doing nothing (but the usual), which is nice after such a hectic week. Work? Ehhh, yeah. Well. Hmm.

So yeah, the week started off pret-ty good. New gig, new people, always fun in an exciting, nerve-wracking kinda way, and then it kinda went from there. Long story short, must call the agency and have them find me a new gig. It's got me doing everything about working in an office I've ever hated - reception, dictation, minutes, one guy even demanded that I clean their kitchen full of their dirty dishes! I was so shocked, I laughed and told him "Oh, I don't do dishes." He looked at me and pointed at the dishwasher and said "There's a dishwasher." I replied, again, "I don't do dishes, even with a dishwasher." He just stared indignantly at me and huffed away to have a meeting with everyone in the (little) office that I ..."apparently don't do dishes". I just laughed to myself and waited for the temp agency to call and yell at me. But please. It was bad enough having the Director stand over me dictating the last meetings minutes 5 minutes before I was set to go home for the day. Just like in the little Cary Grant film from the 1930's called "His Gal Friday". Then he proceeded to leave me one of those little dictation tapes to type up. He filled both sides. Took me a day and a half to type up. I still have carpel tunnel from it. So enough whinging, the agency will be my first phone call in the a.m.. And I had such high hopes for this gig, being at the University and in the Creative Industries wing. No. I'm on the dullest branch in the entire faculty of Creative Industries - Research. No one talks to me all day because all the researchers have their noses in books and are too busy yammering deep thoughts and observations into little cassette recorders for little monkeys like me to type up. And their little research assistants are busy doing, well, not their dishes, that's all I know. Bummer. Funny thing is, the gal I took over for has left to work in film production (she's only young and not finished her degree yet, so she can afford to work for nothing); how ironic is that? Again, it's a shame I can't just suck it up and float happily along. But hey, life's too short to suffer this kinda crap really. Which is why temp agencies were created in the first place!

So, yeah, sorry for the rant.

Otherwise, the week was really good. Thursday, met the girls for pizza and wine at Cindy's house because it was her birthday! Ahhhh, was a lovely evening. Shame I didn't bring my camera as we had an extra guest - their resident possum came for a nibble. It even climbed up onto Patricia's lap to get a better view of the table!!!! Me, personally, as cute as it was, I was horrified. In my country wildlife like that comes complete with all kinds of microscopic nasties, but here, they don't even have rabies! So wild critters are fine to pet! I couldn't believe it. It checked me out (I had left-over pineapple from my pizza) and I gave it a little pat and it was fine, kinda like a cat with bad manners. Hell, this one was even better behaved than my cat because it didn't bite me! Crazy.

Friday I met Natasha and some of her family who are here visiting from New Zealand. Very nice. Met at the Paddington Tavern for dinner and then they were off to the rugby game between NZ and Australia. Well, little NZ lost. But it looked to be a good game though. Aside from the 20+ point difference. Ahhhh well. Glad I'm here and not there in NZ because they ended up losing badly in the cricket too.

And Saturday was errand day (collected the first 3 Harry Potter books from the library! Gonna read 'em again before the last one comes out in July - of which I've already put my deposit down for! What a dork, I know, but they're such good fun and so clever). And today was cleaning day. Whew! At night, while I'm asleep, Kona keeps the apartment free from moths. I wake up in the mornings to find little dusty skid marks on the windows and walls, and little puffs of dust on the floor where he stopped another moth from getting through. Such a good hunter! But man, he kills a lot of them. So cleaned all that carnage up..... And here I am!

And that's that! I know, it's pretty dull, no adventures, no nothing, but until the job thing settles itself down.............. You know the excuse......

So, I hope you're all well up there! Drop a line and let me know how things are now and then. And if any of you plan to drop by for a visit!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...