Sunday, April 08, 2007

Scootin' Around Easter


Well. That was another nice, relaxing week. Short week because of Easter, so that made it easy to bear the current temp gig. Nice weather, still trying to cool off tho not as gross as it's been. Took the little scooter out exploring, took some photos. I wish, if I have to work, we could just do 4 days a week. Mmmm. Get so much done!!!!!

So yeah, started the little temp gig last week. Ehh. Executive Assistant to some big Director of blahblahblah. They also call it PA (personal assistant) here. Either way it's doing stuff no one else can be bothered doing. Like printing out their own documents, telling him when his meetings are, making coffee for big meetings, ordering and setting up the catering, doing dishes, etc, I get to do all of that. And I've learned I don't like it. So am hoping the next gig isn't in the slave/waitress trade. Ahhh the curse of having an Arts degree!!!!!!

And then we had Friday off and tomorrow (Monday). Niiiiiice. So took myself out on Friday and discovered Newstead, which is the little suburb above Tenneriffe, right on the river. Not a bad little patch but reminded me so much of San Diego. Ehhh. But got to take the little scooter out and about and didn't have to worry so much about being killed as it was a holiday, no one was out (because everything was closed). It was nice to ride around places that are normally crowded with cars and buses going every which way.

Am suddenly a bit distracted because someone in the 'hood has just started violin practice. And they're not very good. Oh dear.

So drove around Newstead for a while, went on a little walk along the river, there's a lot of history tucked away in that little 'hood. There's the Newstead House, where the first Police Commissioner lived (nice place). And quite a few memorials to the soldiers of WWII, including stuff about the American troops coming and going from there and one plaque & obelisk to US-Australian peace/friendship. Interesting stuff that I had no idea was there. Then it was back on the scooter and rode around downtown and around my 'hood, and just drove aimlessly because it was so nice without traffic.

Yesterday met Natasha and ran errands (shops were open). Got a haircut/trim. Went to Kmart. Gee, stuff at Kmart here is more expensive than the Kmart's there! Then the grocery store and man, by the time we did all that, riding the buses and trains around, it was around 4! So got home, cleaned the house, watched Top Gear (British car review show - I love it) and that was that! That's why we need to have 4 day weeks because the weekends go so fast and it's not nearly enough time to get everything done!!!!!!

Today, well, the house is spotless (minus the leg and piece of wing from one Kona's overnight bug-killing episodes), the laundry is all done and almost put away (a few more hours of fresh air can't hurt it), so I might have a little Grandma nap and then am supposed to meet Natasha and a group of her friends at a pub down the road (The Normanby, very popular tho I've never been) for a late lunch and to kind of celebrate no work tomorrow!!!! I don't get paid, but you can't argue with a day off! Anything to make the week shorter! Hooray!

And that's really about it. Last week of work until another gig comes along, hopefully. So we'll see what the week brings there. Am trying to write my little business plan. Have yet to start any of those screenplays that are dancing around in my head begging to get out and make me millions from selling-out to Hollywood. Work just gets in the way!!!!!!

So there! Hope you're all well up there!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else confused by the Friendship plaque? You are at once touched by the sentiment inscribed on it, yet you can't help but laugh at the kangaroo and eagle shaking hands. Curious.

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...