Well, another weekend sets with the sun...... Ahhhhh, was a nice weekend, overall. Rained cats and dogs (must look up what that really means. Probably something sinister from the Dark Ages) all day Saturday, but I braved it to hunt down cat food. Actually ran quite a few errands in the rain. Am well-trained after New Zealand. Umbrellas help.
And today, was really lovely, warm and beautiful outside. So everyone's happy - from the drought-stricken farmers to, well, me. So, today, ran around a little bit spending money I should be spending

The week was fine. Fast. Soooo busy at work. Status quo, really. Everyday the management does something new to make our jaws drop. For example, they introduced a new phone system that has it's own button for "bathroom break", and if you're away longer than the time allocated (2.5 minutes or something highly scientific like that), a flashing red button appears on the supervisors' computer screens telling them you've been in the toilet too long, and they come running to wait for you to ask you what took so long. Yeah. It's all part of the comedy it's become. Hey, at least it's funny. For now. My job contract comes to an end at the end of December (like I said, rocket scientists for management; 'merry xmas - you're unemployed!' Ho ho ho!), but in saying that, they've advertised my job, again, which, if I get it, will last until June next year (clever scientists again. It takes them 2 months to train a newbie, 4 months to get any miles out of them and by June, it'll be getting into peak enrollment time, just in time to let the new staff go!). So I have to put together, well, basically the same application I did for it last time, if I want to extend the fun. Only this time I need to be "coached" on my governmental interviewing skills. Apparently private sector and government sector interviews are as different as night and day. Uh, ok. So, yeah. Work. Can't say it's dull! But on the brighter side, I have 3 applications out there for jobs in my degree/interest field that I hope to hear back from, well, hopefully before this gig ends. They take a long time to do anything here I've learned. So fingers are crossed for at least one of these.
Hey, here's a little fact for you - did you know that Vegemite is now banned (apparently) from being sold in the US (much to the horror of expat Aussies)? http://www.snopes.com/food/warnings/vegemite.asp It's got folate in it, which is apparently a bad thing. I thought we needed folate, but then, I don't work for the FDA, I got my degree in film production. http://www.vegemite.com.au/index.cfm?fuseaction=FolateForMums.welcome
I heard that last week and everyone gave me a hard time. Kraft makes it. Gee, they don't make things that are bad for you.
And, sadly, that's as exciting as it got this weekend. No adventures had, other than learning the nuances of the bus system and how to creatively get from point a to b. Oh

So, well, there you have it. I know, I keep messing with the little blog settings, and I still haven't figured out how to display certain selected links where I'm supposed to, in addition to other things; will send the Blog Gods an email and ask for help. So in the meantime, have a look at what I've been meaning for you all to have a look at. Not that I'm hinting or anything, but it's an Aussie travel site/tv series with lots of good ideas about travel down here and further afield..... Bee, meet bonnet!!!! http://getaway.ninemsn.com.au/
Hope you're all well!
Hola! Hey they do have flights next year, (I tried August) for like 1,400 dollars. That doesn't seem too bad. But I have NO IDEA what store I will be at next year because of our store closing! So who knows. I'ts a bit early yet for to make plans I guess... Did buy you a little somthing for Christmas today! I better hurry and send stuff huh!? Cool about the job applications (sp?), hope you hear somthing! That would be awesome. Well, been a shopping fool lately, think i'm about ready for Christmas already! Too soon, I keep shopping! Have a good weekend, Love KT :)
Oh Ya! You can buy Veggemite and Marmite here, at CostPlus worldmarket. (Love that store, they have Milkybars as well!) TTFN,KT
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