Sunday, November 19, 2006

Rootbeer Floats on Brush Fires


Well, it's Sunday afternoon..... House is clean.... Groceries are in the fridge (I found A&W Rootbeer in, of all places, Chinatown - bought some vanilla ice cream - life is very good)... Messed around on the computer and got myself wired up with Skype - (thanks Glen!) and it's great - free to download the program, dirt cheap phone calls just using an internet connection and free if you talk to people who have Skype on their computers too. So played with that for a while. Excellent. Shame after all this travelling I've only just discovered it now.

Hothothot today, so best thing to do is, well, not much. Ran around yesterday, so today I can hang around and do nothing. Have even splurged and put the air-conditioning on. Bad brush fires (or "bush" fires as the locals call it. Makes sense.) out west, or south, or both, of Brisbane, so the sky is a funny hazy blur and not much of a breeze. But with a rootbeer float and a/c, the world is an even happier place. I can think to write now!

The week was fine. Busy. Went by fast though and no dramas. At work it feels kinda like the quiet before the storm. Either that or I just keep expecting something to happen. We had our "xmas party" dinner Friday night. Cost $25 bucks. At work no less, because they were too cheap and unimaginative to spring for a decent venue. At the training restaurant the hospitality/restaurant the kids train and study at. What a stinker that turned out to be. Not many people and the food was pretty average. I mean, I know the kids are learning, but c'mon, they're due to graduate in like 2 weeks, let loose on the public. I'd say a little further education wouldn't go amiss. But who am I. So yeah, work. I applied for my job, again. Am waiting to hear back. Did I mention that if I don't get it I'll be unemployed Dec. 22nd? Nice. I've been looking and applying for other jobs but nothing's come through yet. Geez, am even considering becoming a flight attendant. Considering. Jan, the gal who brings Kona his bales of hay and logs, she was a flight attendant for 20+ years. So she puts ideas in my head. 5-star hotels, perks galore, those kind of ideas. So we'll see.

What else.... The first major series of cricket is going on here in town between the English and the Aussies. The Ashes series (I guess it would be kind of like the baseball world series, only, well, not. Very hard to explain and I still don't understand any of it). It's a bigbig deal. The Brits won it last year so the Aussies are keen to kick their butts. And last I heard today, the Aussies were sweeping the floor with them (if anyone can make sense of this, well, here you go - England require another 544 runs with 7 wickets remaining. Australia 602/9d and 202/1d; England 157 and 104/3). Which is kind of a shame because a good, close game is always more fun, especially for allllll the Brits who've flown here for it. Oh well.

And they've dressed up the Queen Street mall and surrounds a bit for Xmas. It's kind of interesting not having Thanksgiving, because there's no barrage of SALE tv ads and crap in my mailbox going on about the day after Thanksgiving sales. As soon as Oct. 31st hit, that's when it all started here; only, like NZ, it's not nearly as in-your-face and crammed down your throat. Oh, they're excited about spending money for Xmas, they're just not going to get up at 4 in the morning for any sale. Hell, you'd be hard-pressed to find people to jockey a register in a shop that early! They'd tell you to "get stuffed" (a personal favorite of their expressions). So yeah, Xmas here is bearable thus far. I really missed Thanksgiving, but a good one was had last year, so I'll be ok for a couple years yet. Job-stability willing, I'm hoping to swing around up there this time next year, maybe a little earlier, around Aug. or Sept. But we'll see what happens on the job-front. Same old story, isn't it?

Oh yeah, here's a mini movie review... Last night I rented "Must Love Dogs" - rom-com with John Cusack (reason #1 why I rented it), Diane Lane, Christopher Plummer, Stockard Channing, Elizabeth Perkins and the threat of a "sparkling and witty script". Well. It sucked (I knew it would, type of movie it is, but I didn’t count on it being that bad). That was 2 hours of my life I'll never get back. Who knew with a cast like that? It's a wonder how the producers shanghaied those actors. I call it a "car payment" movie for those actors. One of those movies they have to make to either honor contractual obligations and/or they simply have car payments to make. Ohhhh, it was terrible. So there. That's my two-cent movie review. Just in case anyone asked. If any of you saw it and liked it, well, ok. What can I say, I majored in film & tv at University.

So there it is! Oh, and a quick note to Sheldon and Scarlett - have a safe trip and don't forget the earplugs! They're jetting their way down here for a couple of weeks for their delayed honeymoon. They'll be staying with me their last two days before heading home. See? Someone's coming to visit! So c'mon down!!!!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...