Sunday, November 12, 2006

BlogGone Minute.....


Well, nothing like having my little blog vanish to start the day! It turns out this little blogger system is being upgraded to a 'newer, faster, better system' and if you wanted to keep posting you have to go with the flow. So I hit the button that said upgrade or whatever, and for about, oh 5 hours, it was gone. I mean, it was there, but I couldn't get to it. Oh this modern technology will kill me. So I went to the help area and that didn't do much good. Ha. First thing they suggested in the 'help, my blog is gone' section was not to panic. But after nearly 2 hours of following their instructions, panic I certainly did. I mean, really, it's not the end of the world. I'm not curing cancer here. But I have put a lot of work and effort into this little thing, and to have it vanish with a click of a dumb button, well, I guess that's just a little technological warning that even little blogs are impermanent. So to help with the mini-panic, I went to dinner with Mave and after a glass of wine, I'm back to try it again, and you know what? Here it is. What they should say in the help section is 'yes, we know it's gone, but go to dinner, have a glass of wine, and it'll be back online by the time you get home.' Maybe I'll write to them and tell them just that.

So, new system to carry the little blog further into the 21st century. I never even came close to figuring out half of what the last system could do. Now I have more stuff to figure out. Oh dear. So, while I figure this out, please bear with me!!!!!

So..... Well, busy week at work. Again. Lost another 2 folks. Mmmmmmm, the work just piles up like dog poo in the yard. I wonder who's walking the plank this week? Tune in for our next episode......

Tuesday was the Melbourne Cup (like the Kentucky Derby). It really did stop everything for the 3 minutes the big race was on. I threw a buck into the pool at work to bet on whatever horse, even tho that morning I heard on the news the names of the horses favored to win. I was particularly partial to the horse named Pop Rock, simply for its name. And I was honestly all set to put $20 on him/her, but the betting offices didn't open until after I was at work. Oh well. So I thought I'd try the pool at work. Only, in this pool, your horse is picked for you. Well, that's kind of ok, I guess. I mean, how bad can these horses be? They have to be good to get in the race to begin with, right? And I am only throwing in a buck, how rich do I think I'll get off my (few) co-workers? And of course I get the horse named Ice Pick or Ice Cube or something like that. I just knew it'd come in last. So the race is on and they're off! Long story short - the work-pool horse picked for me came in 2nd to last and Pop Rock came in 2nd to first. A guy I work with was smart and put his money in the day before on Pop Rock and he came out with something like $550. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't do any gambling because this is a perfect example of my luck (which is why I don't in the first place). But, when it's all that easy with people telling you who's going to win..... Well. I'm just saying. So that was a bit of mid-week excitement in the office.

And, well, sadly, no adventures were had. Not even a whisper of an adventure. But, I have discovered a Thrifty Car Rental at the bottom of the hill, right across the street from the grocery store. How I never noticed it before is a small mystery (could be the massive tree that blocks it from view). But it's there and I had a look online and it's pretty cheap, with cars that look like they'll make it there and back, safely. So the bee is in the bonnet and the maps are open.....!!!!

But it's past my bedtime on a school night. Thanks to the blogger machine, this is running a bit later than I intended. Which will explain the lack of creativity and photos. Am sorry. But it's supposed to make things better!!! If only it could get me a newer, better job....!?

So there it is. I hope you're all well up there!


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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...