Well, have survived yet another busybusy week - whew! Was pretty tired Saturday (went out for work-drinks after work on Friday until way past my bedtime) so didn't do much more than the usual chores. Well, didn't have any energy to do much at all actually, was pretty hot out, nearly 90 degrees, which made doing anything pretty hard. Ugh. Not humid, which was great, but hot.
But today, you all will be pleased to know - I took myself on a little adventure. A couple of friends

And once there, well, it was like we'd seen each other last week, not almost 2 years ago. It was really nice. The weather was a little overcast and cool, but lovely compared to Saturday here in Brissy. We had a wander through this little market (Sunday is usually market day for most towns), then some lunch, went for a windy walk along the beach, walked to this massive mall, walked back

And that was that! Am home now, obviously, just in time for the ARIA Awards - the Aussie version of the Grammy's. It's interesting because these bands are huge in many parts of the world, and I hear these songs on the radio all the time here, and here's this nice ceremony for it, that's not nearly as garish as the Grammy's. It's a bigbig deal here. I tell ya, Australia is happily doing their own thing down here and every now and then they pop up on the radar in the US, but really, it's pretty cool what they're up to and they seem pretty content, more or less, to keep it here, they don't seem to care if the rest of the world takes notice or not. But they sure like it when the world does notice!
Ok, now I'm rambling. Means I'm tired. So off I go to space out and watch the ARIA's, and man, compared to the Grammy's, it moves pretty fast - no long-winded, fake speeches, no hosts who think they're stand-up comedians, no goofy performance/dance/video interludes, or cheesy historical moments or silly interviews. It hits the ground running and doesn't mess around along the way. And the best part of it is - I don't know any of these bands (they have rap!)! Am learning new things!!!! Hooray! Right, rambling again.
Hope you all have a good week and here's to more adventures!!!?

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