Sunday, November 09, 2014

Weekends of Unpacking (yes, still), Settling In, and Pre-G20 Fun!

Happy, flappy flags in Port Douglas, QLD!

Well. Here we are on another sunny Sunday afternoon. It was a bit warm today but thankfully there was a decent enough breeze and the humidity was low enough that it was tolerable. The birds are out there chattering away as they finish their Sunday errands and regroup. Here at the Hacienda, the chores are more or less finished (leaning more towards less... running the dishwasher counts as a chore, right?), the laundry is happy and clean, according to Kona who is making sure the bed gets made in his own sweet time just as soon as he's done sleeping on the pile of clean sheets; we have the hip n' groovy jazz tunes (I still think of it as SkyFM); and we have a very nice, cool stand-by Sierra Nevada Pale Ale (beer today), ahhhhhh yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Busy, but that's good. I've finally learned that every time they say things are going to slow down a lot, that means things will get really busy for
Work, but thankfully not mine - it's Ikealand!
me. It's weird but that's what I've noticed. And when they say they're super busy, somehow I'm not. Huh. But ultimately, I don't mind, I'm just happy to have a decent job. And speaking of having a decent job, this week marked my fourth year with Boing - wow! I even think that could be a record out of all of them since 1985?! AH-mazing. But the scary thing is how fast it's gone. And of course that thought is followed with the realization that in Feb I'll've been here nine years. Nine. Good grief. I only intended to check the place out, see some sights and head back after a few years....... Guess I like it here....... 'Course, having a decent job helps!

The new desk (and some of the new bed)!And then there were a few weekends in there....... Last weekend was pretty busy with errands and running around, much to the poor, neglected car's thrill and amazement (unlike all the spiders that got blown off - sorry guys). Saturday, after a lazy morning and a leisurely tour around East Brisbane The Kona-approved guest room!(just seeing where the roads go....), we headed over to Ikealand. This trip was kinda different in that every time I go I like to get in when they open and get back out again. Well this time I went in the late-ish afternoon and lo and behold the hoards of screaming children had thinned to a very bearable level and the folks shopping were just normal folks shopping, not families keeping their kids entertained. It was awesome. Well, maybe not for the bank account, but crowd-tolerance-wise, I was way happy.
Pretty red flower lights just add a certain something to the little balcony......!
And came away with a few useful things - a new desk, a cabinet thing to store shoes and plastic shopping bags for near the front door, a little set of proper champagne glasses, a set of curtains for the bedroom, two little sets of pretty, red flower, string lights for the balcony, an extra comfy cushion for a balcony chair (or wherever), and a thing to hang all my scarves on in the closet. A happy trip was had! Then Sunday was putting it all together and settling in, with some chores thrown in for fun.

And this weekend has been tidying, unpacking the final three boxes from the move in May (yeah yeah, I've been busy), and throwing a ton of stuff out. Like
Cell phones for the history books!
old cell phones, of which I had six, not counting the one I currently use, dead modems, and computer cables - what to do with those? In my heart of hearts I just can't throw them in the trash..... Surely there's someone out there who'd thrill to strip them all of their copper?? And then finished setting up the guest bedroom so it actually looks more like a bedroom instead of a storage space. Oh, and did I mention, I got a fancee pants airbed? And it's actually pretty nice - I can say that with authority because I've slept on it. Yay! Come one, come all!

I'll be arrested if I take photos in "The Zone", so here's some Viking stuff....... And really, that's been about it. Getting ready to host my first real guests in two weeks, Emily and her boyfriend Ian will be visiting from Washington for a couple days on their way down to visit her Dad in Melbourne... We have a lot planned for those three days, it should be fun! But first I have to survive the G20 descending on Brisbane from about this past Friday (or at least that's when I noticed all the branded town cars flooding the streets in a seemingly panicked rehearsal). The official meetings kick off Saturday and Sunday next weekend (all of us in the city have that Friday off so they can clear the city and lock it down in time), but folks have already started arriving...... Apparently the King of Saudi Arabia is on his way - preceding him were two jets full of crap, including a bullet-proof Mercedes. Honestly, someoneIt's the G20........ in 1700s France!
tell these people that folks in Brisbane just can't be bothered, let alone would even know what any of the delegates look like, apart from Obama, Putin and their own Prime Minister??? So this week should be fun because of all the barricades that have apparently sprung up over the weekend along with all the police checks.... My walk in to work should be interesting to say the least, not to mention the commute home! I've already seen my first protest - a rather weak affair sponsored by the Anonymous crowd - lucky if there were fifty in their little march. But with the amount of cops surrounding them you'da thought they were a group of thousands. Gee they're sure excited about all this. It's actually kinda funny to watch - here's hoping I don't end up an innocent bystander caught up in someone's silly crusade!!!!

So there you go. Hope you're all well up there..... Drop a line or better yet, c'mon down for a visit!!!! Errrr, probably not until March or so now, unless hot and humid is your thing, but just get yer butts down here already!!!!


Happy yellow rose....... of Brisbane!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Long Time, No Gossip!

A cool building on the SDSU campus - Aug 2014! Hi!

Well. Been a little while, hasn't it? Many apologies for the radio silence - can't say much has been happening worth reporting tho, so you haven't been missing anything, but more on that later. But we're here now - it's a glorious spring day, summer is trying to stick its nose in early, but so far so good. The jacaranda trees are coming up in full purpley bloom, including the tree off my balcony, which I had no idea was a Jacaranda tree until it started to bloom. Miss Jacaranda Tree - my new, temporary roommate!Yay! But it's a shame it's only so pretty for just a couple weeks, then I'll spend the rest of the year sweeping up tiny little leaves..... Ahhhhh, small price to pay to live next to such a big, pretty tree! And hey, it sure beats palms full of possums! But today is lovely - a bit of a warm breeze, few clouds puffing away up there, the birds are out and about happily chattering away and running their Sunday errands. Yesterday afternoon I had a zippy little Lorikeet slam itself into my little window in the living room. Poor little bird. I had a look and he'd flown away; but I could see how it thought the window was just more trees - the reflection from their view just looks like more trees. I felt bad but was happy to see it just shook it off and flew away, probably with the biggest headache of its life, not to
Sampling the wares from Hops n' Vines Winery, Sonoita, AZ, July 2014mention all the shit his friends must've given him. And now the chores are all done, the dishes are churning away in the dishwasher (so awesome to have one of these again), the laundry is out there on the line flapping in the breeze and hopefully dodging birds with weak bladders..... We have the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, tho SkyFM has since re-branded itself as Radio Tunes. Don't know why, money from big corporate sponsorship probably (wait for those ads to start)..... It's kind of a shame because I liked the whole SkyFM brand thing. But for now the tunes are all still good and reliable. And last but not least, we of course have a very nice, cool glass of another contender for the good ol' stand-by white wine, Vasse Felix Classic Dry White (Semillon Sauv Blanc - not bad at all), so life is goooood!

So work. Yep. Have been busy. Like, busy. Which is probably another reason
Work ceiling art......
why I haven't had the energy or brainpower to check in these last few weekends. I mean, I don't mind, I like being busy, but so busy when I get home am asleep (unintentionally, much as I like mah new couch) by 7pm and come the weekend I have zero energy to do more than the chores and to change the DVD/Blu-Ray........ OK, that's not quite true, but you get the drift. But work is good, tho still can't say the same about our new "open plan" office - it still sucks, and how. But we do quite like our "new" neighborhood, being right in the middle of the city - so much good food, groceries and shops. Tho things will get uber tricky come the G20 - our building has two main street entrances - one across the street from the Hilton, which will be packed I'm sure with delegates and their handlers, and on our other side, the main headquarters/building for Queensland Health, where, oddly enough, I used to work just before landing this gig. That's only a biggish deal because both the Ministers for Health and Mental Health live there, so, bound to be the site of a protest or two. And speaking of potential protests, we also share our building with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, (and, incidentally, where I'll need to go to collect mah new Australian passport when it finally comes through some time next year or early the year after!!!!), so, they're at least certain to Work - some days it feels like this.have one or two little dread-locked, patchouli-wearing hippies waving placards outside and shouting, hopefully without the bullhorn..... It should be interesting to say the least. I don't think we're sign-posted anywhere but on the list of building ingredients near the elevators, tho I'm sure there's a profiteer-hating protester somewhere out there who will find us. Apparently, we're having guards (armed??) on both entrances checking IDs and stuff...... Not sure when that little nod to paranoia kicks in, soon tho I'm sure - the G20 officially kicks off on the 15th and 16th of Nov, but the mayhem and paranoia is already building up. Thankfully, we get that Friday the 14th off........ Watch this space......!

And then there's been a few weekends in there........ Like, lots of them. Am really sorry for not checking in. A few of those weekends, since returning from
Like my IT trouble-shooting - ain't nuthin' happenin' here!
mah trip, have been burned up just trying to get computer stuff updated and transferred - never a straightforward affair. So, after a few hours of chasing my IT tail, I'd give up, along with my will to check in and say howdy. And then I had problems with my trusty camera not wanting to play nice with any of my computers, so that took a couple weekends to figure out - turns out no one would talk to each other because the camera's SD card was full. Huh. And just general IT stuff has been sucking what brain fumes I have left at the end of the week. And too, not a lot has been happening...... Let's see..... Oh, duh, last night I had my friend Kim and her husband Carlos and their little baby Luna over for dinner (of course I forgot to take pictures). That was special because they were the first friends I've had around since I lived at my nice place in Spring Hill, going on 7 years or so ago. I hated having people around The Palace because it was small and dumpy, even tho I did the best I could with what I (and Ikea) had, I was still embarrassed to have anyone around. So now I finally get to repay all the dinners and BBQs folks have invited me to over the years. And it was fun! Tho my cooking timings were off - totally gotta work on that. But it was just really nice to be able to hang out like normal folks in a normal space with normal chairs and to be able to cook in a normal kitchen......! I must say, I'm digging this apartment.

And speaking of normal chairs - one weekend was taken up with a trip to Bunnings, originally for two things - a drip tray for my Frangipani (Plumeria)New patio set! tree so whenever I watered it it didn't drip all over the balcony below mine, and some grass for Kona to nibble on. Well. Much like Ikealand, you can't get out of there for under $200 dollars, and I didn't. I ended up coming home with three cat grass plants and a container and soil to plant them in, a big container and more soil for mah tree, and a brand new three-piece patio set! I love it. And so does Kona. Pretty comfy, durable, easy to look at. Yeah. Digging the new digs even more now that I have a nice balcony to sit on comfortably! (Oh yeah, that window there behind the BBQ, that's the one that poor little Lorikeet drove into... Silly Lorikeet).

The desk - hard at work......
And what else..... Oh, last weekend I finally got organized enough and listed my big corner desk and that little bridging unit/wall shelf for sale on eBay. Hmmm. Well, the desk just left this morning for its new home (bye desk, will miss you!), and the shelf is supposed to go to its new home tomorrow evening sometime, hopefully. But ai yi yi, did I take a hit $$$ on those or what. All up I paid, roughly, $580 for both of them a couple of years ago, and they are in excellent condition. Yeah.The bridging unit in a previous life............ Stupid auctions, I made a whopping total of $55 for BOTH of them! Yikes. But, if that's what the market will bear for used Ikealand stuff, so be it........ Bummer dude. I try to look at it this way - a nice gal and her grumpy guy came by today and took the desk away and gave me $45 bucks for not having to kick it down the stairs by myself - that's a win, surely! Sigh.

The new sofa - Plan A!
And that's about all that pops to mind for the time being......... All is really well tho. Spring is here, which means I'm not getting up for work in pitch dark, which is nice. The weather is beautiful, even more so from a decent apartment. Kona is happier here because he has room to run and get the craziesThe new sofa - Plan B! like he used to at the nice place in Spring Hill; and I dare say he's even losing a bit of weight now. I have room to breathe and privacy to rest without possums waking me up all night or neighbors wanting stuff from me every ten minutes, which I didn't mind but I kinda minded. So, really, moving has been good for both our healths (is that even a word)! Yay! Now you folks just have to c'mon down and check it out - I'll be here a while, I hope, so you have time to get planning!!!!

Flowers to brighten a dinner party!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Return From Vacationland......!

Witch Creek Winery - Fence "Art" 2014

Well. It's been a while, hasn't it?! Ahhhhhh, yes, vacation has that effect on things...... Apologies for not checking in these last two weekends tho - that first weekend back was spent unpacking, tidying, kicking jet lag (trying to anyways) and getting ready for work. After four weeks away from work it's really something you have to get in the mood for, like it or not. But, we're here now! The sun is shining (after a few very rainy and chilly days), the birds are chattering away out there like they haven't seen each other for years, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes along with a new, pretty decent sparkling wine Edinburgh Palace (by Philip Shaw) - life is good!

So work. Yep. Has been pretty good all of the first week I was back. Not overly busy, which is super nice for a first week and still suffering from jet lag just a little. Funny thing is, our little group was meant to move to our new building on the 25th of July, so while I was away. Meanwhile, one month later, we're still at the old building. That's how insignificant we are in the greaterHow our new office will seem from the inside..... scheme of things..... Apparently we move at the end of this week, so that should be fun. Although, after having just moved myself from one apartment to the other, this move should be cake because we don't have to do anything other than pack - sweeeet. And have scoped out our new digs and I've actually been issued a proper standing/height-adjustable desk! After, what, two years of kicking and screaming and flat-out refusing to "sit down like everyone else", common sense finally reigned supreme! Ah-mazing. Buuut, the big huge bummer about the new set-up is that the whole floor is "open plan", so me and the other guy who stands will be seen by everyone. Thankfully, he's six and a half feet tall, but we stand next to each other, right at the kitchen entrance. So really, it's gonna suck. A lot. But hey, I still have a real job so will just have to lump it until we win the lottery! 

Oh, and one more totally ah-mazing thing still on the work topic, brace yourself because this is incredible news, years in the making - my permanent residency application was approved on the 6th of August!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I am now a real-life Permanent Resident of the great country of Australia!!!!!!!!!!! AH-MAZING that Boing finally got it together after nearly four years. YAY! I'm pretty stoked. And I only need to have it for twelve months before I can apply for citizenship and then the country is my oyster! YAY! Really pretty cool.

And then there were some weekends in there...... Well, the trip home was really Grandma Mary L. Wilfing - April 8, 1930 - July 17, 2014good, super busy and a little sad. I missed seeing my Grandma in South Bend by less than 24 hours..... But we'd spoken the week before I left so I was glad for that. And I was glad that the whole trip to see her was already planned and that her memorial was timed just right for me to be able to be there. And it was really nice to see the Uncles, Aunts and cousins, even if just for a short time. Shame it was without Grandma, but nice so many folks came.

Otherwise, much Mexican (and diner) food was eaten, along with manyEl Indio welcome home lunch with Amaru! margaritas! It was really nice and fun to catch up with the family and friends, some of whom I hadn't seen in yeeeeeears! Yeah, it was a great trip. Am only sorry it went by so fast! And the other bummer is it'll be a couple years before I can get up there again..... Gotta save vacation time not to mention money..... and plus am really wanting to do some things around Australia... I've been here eight and a Muuuuch food and laughs with Katie and Katie!half years now (!) and still haven't seen Uluru or any of Western Australia yet! And then maybe I'll come back up there for a visit. But in the meantime, I have this nice, two-bedroom apartment in the city and I just bought a brand-spankin' new sofa bed with a fanceeee double inner spring mattress! So c'mon down y'all 'cos I can't afford to always come up thataways!!!

And then these last couple of weekends have been busy getting back into the swing of things, doing the usual boring weekend chores, even still a little more unpacking from The Move back at the beginning of May! I mean, really, I was only in the place like 8, 9 weeks before my trip, and with only so many hours on the weekends... Yeah, I still have stuff to unpack and even more to donate! Just because it's a bigger place, I totally don't want to clutter it!
My favorite - 5 rolled tacos w/ guacamole & a quesadilla w/ more guac! 
Otherwise, all is well. Happy to be back but I miss home and the people and the fooooood......! Ahhh well, next time! And I hope everyone is well up thataway. Get saving those pennies and c'mon down - winter is just about finished with spring around the corner - September 1st to be exact!!!!! So pack those bags and get down here already!

Disneyland - Toy Story Ride!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Countdown to Vacation with Friends, Concerts and Food!

Festive Tree at South Bank!

Well. Here we are on another beautiful Sunday late afternoon. There's a little breeze but not much, the sun is starting to go down, which means it'll get cold in no time after such a perfect, warm day. That's what's nice about winter here - even tho it's pretty chilly at night, the days warm up and are full of sunny, bright blue skies...... Ahhhhhhhh! The birds are out there happily doing their bird things....... Kona is out guarding the balcony from intruders... Got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes...... Got a nice cool stand-by beer (nom!).... Yep, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. I think I said it last week and I'll say it again this week - man I'm busy. But some of that has to be the clean-up-the-desk-before-
Work. Sometimes it feels like this.
vacation panic. Well, that and our office is moving while I'm away, so I'll have to pack up all my stuff Tuesday afternoon before I go and make sure it's all ready to move. I just hope I've caught up on everything by then!!! Eeeek! There'll be a few of us gone over the next month, so there won't be much happening, which is good because that means I shouldn't have towers of work waiting for me when I get back.....I hope! Otherwise, work is good. Still pretty happy to have a job to come back to after vacation. This "novelty" just doesn't get old after being on crappy (but well-paid, I might add) temp contracts all these years. Yay for real work!

And then there was the weekend. Whew! More like week and weekend!
Just home from the hair shop...... in 2006. But it still looks like this.
Busybusybusy. Always a last-minute rush to get things done and see everyone before I go - like I'll never see them again or get stuff done when I get back! So what was on this week....... Tues I had to get mah hair cut - want to make at least a little effort to look OK for when I see everybody back home. Then Wed...... I know I had something but can't remember what because no matter what it was (some minor errand that could only be done after
Some rugby game from 2007 or so........ They all look alike.
work), it wasn't as big a deal as trying to get home was! There was some big rugby game on at the stadium between me and my house, so traffic by the time I got to my end of town - ay yi yi. Took me an hour and a half to go what usually takes, roughly, 20 minutes. Fuuuuuuuuudge. Oh, I know what game it was, it was the third (last) game in the State of Origin series. Basically, only the two states of New South Wales and Queensland play each other every year (no other states play for whatever bizarre reason) and it's a major deal for folks who follow it, and whoever wins two of the three games wins, obviously. But the stupid stupid thing is, New South Wales won the first two but for some supremely stupid reason they still play the third game. I don't get it but U2, 360 Tour 2010. That was a totally amazing show.apparently it's just a money-making event/game with maybe some attempted face-saving thrown in for fun... Actually, Queensland really whupped their asses in that one, but it totally doesn't matter, New South Wales still get the golden chalice or Ha! Suckas stuck in traffic!golden shield with their names on it, or golden whatever. And for the rest of us who don't give a rat's furry pink backside, it's a traffic-snarling fiesta!!! Still, I'm not really complaining because ultimately I think it's pretty cool to live in a 'hood with such a good venue (52,000+ capacity!). I appreciate it mainly for concerts when I'm interested, but I have been to one or two games over the years......... And the best part is - I can walk home when it's over - wooohooo! See ya suckas stuck in traffic/trapped on public transport!!!!!

Sydney Opera House. Lloyd didn't play here.
And then Thurs was the Lloyd Cole concert at the Powerhouse (one of my favorite, coolest venues)!!!! That was really good and I had one of the most awesomest seats in the house - front row center! Tho I must say, the row right behind me would've been better actually because that was where the rise started, meaning you could not only see over the stage, but over the heads of the folks in front of you. Duly noted for the next gig. But ahhhh, the show was really good. If you like Lloyd, who's been around since the early 80s and has never stopped making music (tho the band has changed and sometimes he does his own thing, like at this gig), it was a great night.

And then Fri I could finally get some stuff done... And then Sat I met a friendBehave yourselves - we have bayonets and croissants! for a little wander around the French Festival. I must say, while the food was way awesome (it always is), I was disappointed with the wine tasting tent. Yeah. It was a bummer. Ten bucks got you three tickets and a cool little plastic cup (worth keeping) but the tastings were literally the size of a taste. So really, I paid ten bucks for a wine cup with sips of three different wines. Harumph. Wine tent ambiance! Oui!Last time I went, they had a champagne tent and for something like $40 you got six real glasses of all these different champagnes - from super expensive stuff to the cheap (but still good) stuff. It was so great I had to go home after I finished my six and lie down! That was a good year. This year was more about the food. And really, it was awesome. I'll still go next year! And finally they spread it over two days instead of one... If only I'd had the time - and spare stomachs!

And today I finally got to catch up with my friend Kim and her husband Carlos and finally meet their new little baby girl Luna! She's just over seven weeks now and a squirmy, chatty little thing with sooooooo much dark, dark hair (that'll be her Colombian dad)! So cute. Very happy for them as she'd been long-awaited via IVF! It actually worked! Good for them. They seem pretty happy and ever so relaxed for new parents with their first baby! It was a really great afternoon. Very, very happy for them.

And that's about that! Still got some stuff to do, like finish packing, tidying
Waiting for Adventures!
the little house, make sure I have my passport, plane tickets (well, receipts anyways), etc etc etc. So that's on the list for tonight....! Better get going because the hours over the weekend just fly by! So unfair when work just drags. So if I don't check in over the next couple of weeks, I'll check in when I get back, or maybe I'll see you there!!!!!!! YAY!

Happy Tucson Residents!

Sunday, July 06, 2014

Countdown to Family, Friends, and Mexican Food!

Happy Ikea Bee!

Well. Here we are. Way late, am very sorry - talk about time getting away from me! But more on that later. So, winter is really here now - I woke up this morning and the temperature gauge said 41.2! That's pretty chilly for us here in the sub-tropics! And another sure sign that it's winter - bright blue sunny days without a cloud in sight but a definite chill in the air. Ahhhhhh, it makes those disgusting summers worthwhile! And the birds seem happy and chipper - they're out there, chattering away and floating around on the steady breezes without a care in I'm a Golden Orb! I may look totally scary, but I'm not! Honest!the world. Or, maybe they have cares, am just not privy to them...... I probably wouldn't understand anyways - "Not enough bugs in th' 'hood? Uhhh, try a bait shop, maybe? Have you tried behind the grocery store?" Or something along those lines...... Annnnyways, here we are now tho, have a nice cool glass of the stand-by white, Story Bay Semillon Sauv Blanc (yes, white wine in winter, I know, but some habits are tough to break.....), got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, Kona is doing his bit for the planet by stopping one chair from floating away (good boy), yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Am busy, tho I pretty much am always busy. Maybe Melbourne's worker bees........that's because I either know how to stay busy or am just the only editor in our little team...... Both, I think. Anyways, work is good. Thankfully, no longer data entry monkeys, which makes us all very happy. I guess after that flurry of activity we're kind of quiet, but I'm busy. Then again, it could be because am going away for a few weeks.... Isn't that how it always seems? Super busy because you're trying to tie everything up before you go away? And the even funnier thing is, there're like three other folks going away pretty much at the same time! Not for as long as me, different stretches, but man, for four out of seven of us to be away, with one part-timer, man, it'll sure be quiet - and boring! But, as usual, am always happy to have such a decent gig and someplace to be everyday - and one that gives me vacation time!

And then there were a few weekends in there....... To be perfectly honest, I wasn't busy painting the town red or going on little Adventures, oh no. This
Sooo much technology, so little time! Even I had to look away too.....
was far more boring. I spent those few weekends setting up mah new stuff - getting the TV hooked up and working and calibrated and all that. Hooking up the new surround-sound receiver - and that isn't finished yet - still can't figure out how to get the TV sound through it. Hmmm. Still setting up the new computer, transferring files and all that. That always takes ages to do. And am still not even close to being finished with that project - still have to install Office and all the other programs I use! Not to mention seeing if I can connect everybody together and maybe stream movies through the TV (Mom's Netflix account).......? Still setting up the little tablet - that's supposed to be tonight's mission - getting photos, books, music and whatever else I can think of loaded into it before I fly away home in about a week and a half (!). Yeah, these modern electronics, they take a bit of time and effort to set up and get going. Not complaining tho, they're all pretty damn cool. But ay yi yi - did I not think of all this when I decided to replace them all at once?! So I've been busy doing that.

It's all just stuff we borrow anyways.......
Surely there was a weekend in there where I did something..... Sadly, no, I don't think so. I know, last weekend I dropped a few more things at my favorite donation bin...... Getting rid of stuff feels pretty damn good. Oh, speaking of getting rid of things, am selling mah couch. Listed it on eBay yesterday. I ordered a new sofa bed that should come just after I get back, and since I don't have room for two...... It's been a good couch, have had it a few years now and it's still in fantastic shape. Whoever wins the auction should be pleased they're getting such a great couch for so cheap. That's the one bummer about eBay - folks want stuff, good stuff, for next to nothing. Am sad but that's that. All I know is someone will pay me to take my couch away - Kona's going to miss scratching that ol' couch....that's a pretty good deal. And would you know it - this new couch isn't from Ikealand! Their sofa beds are kinda crap actually, so I bought this at a real furniture store, which is why it's going to take 8-10 weeks to come! The best part about this new couch, I could pick the color, arm, back, cushion and leg styles - cooooool. Now here's hoping A) it arrives how I configured it and B) that the bed part is half-decent?! Will find out I guess! But hey, will finally have a sofa bed - more reason for folks to get their butts down here - so many places to sleep comfortably in the fanceee new hacienda apt!

And then there was this weekend. Yep, a bit more of the same as previous Ahhhh, the joys of compact traveling!weekends. Only, today was packing! It's all well and good that I can pack like a ninja, the trick is, we're only allowed 15 pounds for a carry on, and with clothes I hit that right on the button. And that's before toiletries and jewelry! Last time I got busted getting out of here for being overweight and had to stuff what I could into my purse to make the scale nazi happy. I think the same thing is a'gonna happen again! Eeeek! It's frustrating to see a half empty suitcase that I can't fill! And am only bringing summer clothes - they weigh nothing! Maybe I'll try culling the clothes a bit more........ Gaaaah! So that was also going to be tonight's mission. And am rapidly running out of hours! Stoopid weekends. Yeah, I know, I have all week and next weekend, but magically, those are rapidly being filled! Work certainly is a time-eating culprit......... So yes, the 'quickly running out of time' panic is ON!
Mmmmm-MMM! Always my first meal upon arriving home!

Otherwise, all is well down here! Hope you're all well up there. I look forward to being home and seeing everyone - and pigging out on Mexican food and margaritas! Waaahhhooooooo!

Happy Toowoomba residents!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Winter Is On Its Way.... With Electronics!

Building "Art" - Melbourne!

Well. Here we are, finally! It's another bright and sunny Sunday afternoon/early evening. Yesterday it was a bit cool and way damp - it even rained off and on, but only girly rain, not real rain, which is almost worse because then it's just this dull, drizzly, cold and damp day. But today - total opposite - bright, sunny, very dry, breezy, tho I've noticed the temperature starting to drop quite a bit as the sun heads south over the horizon... Gonna be one of our first chilly, winter nights....! We haven't had our usual cold and dry days and nights, just this weird warm and damp overcast weather - not what winter normally does.... Hmmm...... But here we are now - got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes (honestly, before internet radio, how did we liiiive??!), got a very nice, cool glass of something different - Vasse Felix Semillon Sauv Blanc - it's good (good wines in general) but gotta watch it or it gives me wicked headaches, and all the while the lorikeets, magpies and crows have been out there chattering away - probably happy it's not raining! So, yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still busy, but thankfully I was pulled from data entry
Work - Yeah, it can feel like this.
monkey duty and back to normal publication amendment work. I've had to check some data entries to make sure they were right (almost) but for me it's been kind of back to normal. Our relationship with our customer is a funny one, in my opinion, it's probably normal by defense industry standards, but they come up with these ideas or amendments, ask if they can have it yesterday and we say yes every time. Even tho reality says they can have it in a week or two. But am not complaining. Because either way, we're busy more often than not and our customer is happy more often than not! Yay for a place to be everyday and a paycheck every other week!

Eerrr, not Indooroopilly mall but Queen Street mall (Queens Plaza)....
And then there were a few weekends in there........... Many, many apologies for not checking in in so long..... Last weekend I felt like I was coming down with something and was super cranky and totally not in the mood for checking in...... Ohhhh yeah, I know - I also went and scoped out the "refurbished" Indooroopilly mall. I like that mall for whatever reason, and now it's got some even nicer shops. It's been under re-construction for over a year now and they're just about finished, so I went to have a look. Nice. Most of the old mall is still there but with these shiny new bits sort of tacked on. So many shops, so little monies! 

And now, hmmm, the weekend before that.......... And the weekend before that....... I know one of those weekends I did a little more unpacking..........
Bookshelves... pre-books!
Moved some furniture around, unpacked the books and just put them in the bookshelves, haven't organized them yet or set up the photos....... and lots of cleaning... ... I know, new apartment, just moved in, how much cleaning can there possibly be?? The answer is not much, but when you let it stack up over a couple weekends, it takes a good day or so to get through it all. Did I mention I was thinking of hiring a cleaning service to come in like once every two weeks or so? Apparently they're only like $25 an hour and they'll do whatever you tell them to. Thinking about it........! It would sure free up at least one day where I could run around and do stuff! But that could be an excuse. I used to do lots of stuff in my first couple of years here, guess have just gotten lazy.......(as you can tell from the dwindling posts and photos.....)! Hmmmmm.... maybe next year's New Years Resolution? Tho we know how well those always end up........!

Really strange floating neon head from the Paddo Tavern.....
Ultimately, haven't been up to much. Which is a shame considering I have three free passes to the Palace Barracks Cinema that I really need to use before they expire on mah birthday! I'm a member of their movie club and every year they send two free passes and when you renew your membership they send you another free pass - so now I have three and only, like, a month to use them! The trick is finding the time after work or on the weekend somewhere, oh, and a movie worth the time and the free ticket! Hmmm. Guess I'll have to make time and just pick a movie - it's bloody FREE!

And let's see, what else..... Well, today was errand day. Took the poor little car out for a much needed spin, and a bath, for starters. Even filled the tires up with some desperately needed air. Their tire air machines here are really Poor neglected car......!cool (I shoulda taken a picture... damn) - all you do is + or - the PSI you need, stick the hose valve onto the tire valve and it does everything up to that PSI and beeps when it's done - coooooool! Because after what, two, three years I noticed the tires were starting to look a little, well, wilted. And boy did a little bit of air make a big difference! Happy tires! And then I realized it'd been at least six or so months since its last bath, so took it to the place we always go to, Hoppy's Handwash Cafe and had some college kids give a good once-over - and it came back absolutely amazing! Probably the best job they've ever done on it, and I've taken it there every time since I've been its new Mom. Awesome, shiny, clean, happy car! And then off we went down the road a little to Harvey Norman, the big electronics/housewares store down in these here parts. The end of June signals the end of the country's financial year, so, kinda like Black Friday in the US, all the stores, from car dealerships to bath towels, go positively bonkers with end of financial year sales. And Harvey Norman (or, as the locals call it, Hardly Normal) was having anKona does not approve of so many electronics purchases.
amazing finance deal - 50 months interest-free, no deposit. And here was me, just happening to be in the market for a new laptop, TV, dryer and even a little tablet computer (for traveling, you see...) and no dough........ Well. We came, we shopped, we financed. And most of it will all be delivered tomorrow, hopefully (please be after work....). Tho I did come home with the little whiz-bang tablet - a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 - haven't played with it yet, but after signing off here, I'm totally gonna sit down and figure the little sucker out (eerrrrr, once it's charged up)! But the laptop has to be imported from another store across town and the TV and dryer (including the rarely if never purchased extended five year warranty because it's just a cheap, little dryer and they just don't build stuff to last anymore) are being dropped off by their courier company sometime tomorrow, which is fine by me because I didn't want to manhandle it out of mah car and up those stairs on mah own! So yes - will be modern, and dry, again if it kills me (or the bank account)! Hooray!

And that's really about it. Not much else to report........... Getting the finer points of mah visit up thataway nailed down, which makes it a little more exciting.... Gosh, I'll be there in like four weeks! YAY! So when I get back here will have to buy a bed for this little guest room and a smaller desk.... Was The living-room... For now.......!also thinking, a bit later down the track, of maybe hosting a little temporary foreign exchange college (or thereabouts) student.... Not that am needing the dough, but extra dough can always be helpful! So we'll see. A bit more research to go yet before hauling some poor foreign kid into mah place!

Otherwise, all is well. Even tho am still fluffing with where all the furniture goes, and even if I think I might need new furniture (am thinking a two-seater sofa with a sofa bed and a smaller, double bed for me....), am totally digging the new digs. So happy I moved. I mean, in a very small way, I kinda miss my
Mmmmmmmmmmm heat/cool!
old little place................ But never mind! This place comes with a fancee pants reverse-cycle heater/air-conditioner, which I ran for a little bit last night and have just fired up for tonight (economically set at 69 degrees). Now we'll wait and see how much this totally awesome modern comfort costs me when my power bill comes in August! But yeah, this place is the bees knees. One day when you come down here, you'll love it too!

So there you have it. Apologies for not checking in. I do always think about it every Sunday and feel guilty, or at least I feel like something's missing, if I don't check in. I hope you're all well up there - see you soooooooon! Waaaaaa-hoooooo!!!!!!!!

Grandma's flowers!

Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...