Sunday, July 13, 2014

Countdown to Vacation with Friends, Concerts and Food!

Festive Tree at South Bank!

Well. Here we are on another beautiful Sunday late afternoon. There's a little breeze but not much, the sun is starting to go down, which means it'll get cold in no time after such a perfect, warm day. That's what's nice about winter here - even tho it's pretty chilly at night, the days warm up and are full of sunny, bright blue skies...... Ahhhhhhhh! The birds are out there happily doing their bird things....... Kona is out guarding the balcony from intruders... Got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes...... Got a nice cool stand-by beer (nom!).... Yep, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. I think I said it last week and I'll say it again this week - man I'm busy. But some of that has to be the clean-up-the-desk-before-
Work. Sometimes it feels like this.
vacation panic. Well, that and our office is moving while I'm away, so I'll have to pack up all my stuff Tuesday afternoon before I go and make sure it's all ready to move. I just hope I've caught up on everything by then!!! Eeeek! There'll be a few of us gone over the next month, so there won't be much happening, which is good because that means I shouldn't have towers of work waiting for me when I get back.....I hope! Otherwise, work is good. Still pretty happy to have a job to come back to after vacation. This "novelty" just doesn't get old after being on crappy (but well-paid, I might add) temp contracts all these years. Yay for real work!

And then there was the weekend. Whew! More like week and weekend!
Just home from the hair shop...... in 2006. But it still looks like this.
Busybusybusy. Always a last-minute rush to get things done and see everyone before I go - like I'll never see them again or get stuff done when I get back! So what was on this week....... Tues I had to get mah hair cut - want to make at least a little effort to look OK for when I see everybody back home. Then Wed...... I know I had something but can't remember what because no matter what it was (some minor errand that could only be done after
Some rugby game from 2007 or so........ They all look alike.
work), it wasn't as big a deal as trying to get home was! There was some big rugby game on at the stadium between me and my house, so traffic by the time I got to my end of town - ay yi yi. Took me an hour and a half to go what usually takes, roughly, 20 minutes. Fuuuuuuuuudge. Oh, I know what game it was, it was the third (last) game in the State of Origin series. Basically, only the two states of New South Wales and Queensland play each other every year (no other states play for whatever bizarre reason) and it's a major deal for folks who follow it, and whoever wins two of the three games wins, obviously. But the stupid stupid thing is, New South Wales won the first two but for some supremely stupid reason they still play the third game. I don't get it but U2, 360 Tour 2010. That was a totally amazing show.apparently it's just a money-making event/game with maybe some attempted face-saving thrown in for fun... Actually, Queensland really whupped their asses in that one, but it totally doesn't matter, New South Wales still get the golden chalice or Ha! Suckas stuck in traffic!golden shield with their names on it, or golden whatever. And for the rest of us who don't give a rat's furry pink backside, it's a traffic-snarling fiesta!!! Still, I'm not really complaining because ultimately I think it's pretty cool to live in a 'hood with such a good venue (52,000+ capacity!). I appreciate it mainly for concerts when I'm interested, but I have been to one or two games over the years......... And the best part is - I can walk home when it's over - wooohooo! See ya suckas stuck in traffic/trapped on public transport!!!!!

Sydney Opera House. Lloyd didn't play here.
And then Thurs was the Lloyd Cole concert at the Powerhouse (one of my favorite, coolest venues)!!!! That was really good and I had one of the most awesomest seats in the house - front row center! Tho I must say, the row right behind me would've been better actually because that was where the rise started, meaning you could not only see over the stage, but over the heads of the folks in front of you. Duly noted for the next gig. But ahhhh, the show was really good. If you like Lloyd, who's been around since the early 80s and has never stopped making music (tho the band has changed and sometimes he does his own thing, like at this gig), it was a great night.

And then Fri I could finally get some stuff done... And then Sat I met a friendBehave yourselves - we have bayonets and croissants! for a little wander around the French Festival. I must say, while the food was way awesome (it always is), I was disappointed with the wine tasting tent. Yeah. It was a bummer. Ten bucks got you three tickets and a cool little plastic cup (worth keeping) but the tastings were literally the size of a taste. So really, I paid ten bucks for a wine cup with sips of three different wines. Harumph. Wine tent ambiance! Oui!Last time I went, they had a champagne tent and for something like $40 you got six real glasses of all these different champagnes - from super expensive stuff to the cheap (but still good) stuff. It was so great I had to go home after I finished my six and lie down! That was a good year. This year was more about the food. And really, it was awesome. I'll still go next year! And finally they spread it over two days instead of one... If only I'd had the time - and spare stomachs!

And today I finally got to catch up with my friend Kim and her husband Carlos and finally meet their new little baby girl Luna! She's just over seven weeks now and a squirmy, chatty little thing with sooooooo much dark, dark hair (that'll be her Colombian dad)! So cute. Very happy for them as she'd been long-awaited via IVF! It actually worked! Good for them. They seem pretty happy and ever so relaxed for new parents with their first baby! It was a really great afternoon. Very, very happy for them.

And that's about that! Still got some stuff to do, like finish packing, tidying
Waiting for Adventures!
the little house, make sure I have my passport, plane tickets (well, receipts anyways), etc etc etc. So that's on the list for tonight....! Better get going because the hours over the weekend just fly by! So unfair when work just drags. So if I don't check in over the next couple of weeks, I'll check in when I get back, or maybe I'll see you there!!!!!!! YAY!

Happy Tucson Residents!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...