Sunday, July 06, 2014

Countdown to Family, Friends, and Mexican Food!

Happy Ikea Bee!

Well. Here we are. Way late, am very sorry - talk about time getting away from me! But more on that later. So, winter is really here now - I woke up this morning and the temperature gauge said 41.2! That's pretty chilly for us here in the sub-tropics! And another sure sign that it's winter - bright blue sunny days without a cloud in sight but a definite chill in the air. Ahhhhhh, it makes those disgusting summers worthwhile! And the birds seem happy and chipper - they're out there, chattering away and floating around on the steady breezes without a care in I'm a Golden Orb! I may look totally scary, but I'm not! Honest!the world. Or, maybe they have cares, am just not privy to them...... I probably wouldn't understand anyways - "Not enough bugs in th' 'hood? Uhhh, try a bait shop, maybe? Have you tried behind the grocery store?" Or something along those lines...... Annnnyways, here we are now tho, have a nice cool glass of the stand-by white, Story Bay Semillon Sauv Blanc (yes, white wine in winter, I know, but some habits are tough to break.....), got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes, Kona is doing his bit for the planet by stopping one chair from floating away (good boy), yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Am busy, tho I pretty much am always busy. Maybe Melbourne's worker bees........that's because I either know how to stay busy or am just the only editor in our little team...... Both, I think. Anyways, work is good. Thankfully, no longer data entry monkeys, which makes us all very happy. I guess after that flurry of activity we're kind of quiet, but I'm busy. Then again, it could be because am going away for a few weeks.... Isn't that how it always seems? Super busy because you're trying to tie everything up before you go away? And the even funnier thing is, there're like three other folks going away pretty much at the same time! Not for as long as me, different stretches, but man, for four out of seven of us to be away, with one part-timer, man, it'll sure be quiet - and boring! But, as usual, am always happy to have such a decent gig and someplace to be everyday - and one that gives me vacation time!

And then there were a few weekends in there....... To be perfectly honest, I wasn't busy painting the town red or going on little Adventures, oh no. This
Sooo much technology, so little time! Even I had to look away too.....
was far more boring. I spent those few weekends setting up mah new stuff - getting the TV hooked up and working and calibrated and all that. Hooking up the new surround-sound receiver - and that isn't finished yet - still can't figure out how to get the TV sound through it. Hmmm. Still setting up the new computer, transferring files and all that. That always takes ages to do. And am still not even close to being finished with that project - still have to install Office and all the other programs I use! Not to mention seeing if I can connect everybody together and maybe stream movies through the TV (Mom's Netflix account).......? Still setting up the little tablet - that's supposed to be tonight's mission - getting photos, books, music and whatever else I can think of loaded into it before I fly away home in about a week and a half (!). Yeah, these modern electronics, they take a bit of time and effort to set up and get going. Not complaining tho, they're all pretty damn cool. But ay yi yi - did I not think of all this when I decided to replace them all at once?! So I've been busy doing that.

It's all just stuff we borrow anyways.......
Surely there was a weekend in there where I did something..... Sadly, no, I don't think so. I know, last weekend I dropped a few more things at my favorite donation bin...... Getting rid of stuff feels pretty damn good. Oh, speaking of getting rid of things, am selling mah couch. Listed it on eBay yesterday. I ordered a new sofa bed that should come just after I get back, and since I don't have room for two...... It's been a good couch, have had it a few years now and it's still in fantastic shape. Whoever wins the auction should be pleased they're getting such a great couch for so cheap. That's the one bummer about eBay - folks want stuff, good stuff, for next to nothing. Am sad but that's that. All I know is someone will pay me to take my couch away - Kona's going to miss scratching that ol' couch....that's a pretty good deal. And would you know it - this new couch isn't from Ikealand! Their sofa beds are kinda crap actually, so I bought this at a real furniture store, which is why it's going to take 8-10 weeks to come! The best part about this new couch, I could pick the color, arm, back, cushion and leg styles - cooooool. Now here's hoping A) it arrives how I configured it and B) that the bed part is half-decent?! Will find out I guess! But hey, will finally have a sofa bed - more reason for folks to get their butts down here - so many places to sleep comfortably in the fanceee new hacienda apt!

And then there was this weekend. Yep, a bit more of the same as previous Ahhhh, the joys of compact traveling!weekends. Only, today was packing! It's all well and good that I can pack like a ninja, the trick is, we're only allowed 15 pounds for a carry on, and with clothes I hit that right on the button. And that's before toiletries and jewelry! Last time I got busted getting out of here for being overweight and had to stuff what I could into my purse to make the scale nazi happy. I think the same thing is a'gonna happen again! Eeeek! It's frustrating to see a half empty suitcase that I can't fill! And am only bringing summer clothes - they weigh nothing! Maybe I'll try culling the clothes a bit more........ Gaaaah! So that was also going to be tonight's mission. And am rapidly running out of hours! Stoopid weekends. Yeah, I know, I have all week and next weekend, but magically, those are rapidly being filled! Work certainly is a time-eating culprit......... So yes, the 'quickly running out of time' panic is ON!
Mmmmm-MMM! Always my first meal upon arriving home!

Otherwise, all is well down here! Hope you're all well up there. I look forward to being home and seeing everyone - and pigging out on Mexican food and margaritas! Waaahhhooooooo!

Happy Toowoomba residents!

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Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...