Sunday, June 15, 2014

Winter Is On Its Way.... With Electronics!

Building "Art" - Melbourne!

Well. Here we are, finally! It's another bright and sunny Sunday afternoon/early evening. Yesterday it was a bit cool and way damp - it even rained off and on, but only girly rain, not real rain, which is almost worse because then it's just this dull, drizzly, cold and damp day. But today - total opposite - bright, sunny, very dry, breezy, tho I've noticed the temperature starting to drop quite a bit as the sun heads south over the horizon... Gonna be one of our first chilly, winter nights....! We haven't had our usual cold and dry days and nights, just this weird warm and damp overcast weather - not what winter normally does.... Hmmm...... But here we are now - got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes (honestly, before internet radio, how did we liiiive??!), got a very nice, cool glass of something different - Vasse Felix Semillon Sauv Blanc - it's good (good wines in general) but gotta watch it or it gives me wicked headaches, and all the while the lorikeets, magpies and crows have been out there chattering away - probably happy it's not raining! So, yes, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is good. Still busy, but thankfully I was pulled from data entry
Work - Yeah, it can feel like this.
monkey duty and back to normal publication amendment work. I've had to check some data entries to make sure they were right (almost) but for me it's been kind of back to normal. Our relationship with our customer is a funny one, in my opinion, it's probably normal by defense industry standards, but they come up with these ideas or amendments, ask if they can have it yesterday and we say yes every time. Even tho reality says they can have it in a week or two. But am not complaining. Because either way, we're busy more often than not and our customer is happy more often than not! Yay for a place to be everyday and a paycheck every other week!

Eerrr, not Indooroopilly mall but Queen Street mall (Queens Plaza)....
And then there were a few weekends in there........... Many, many apologies for not checking in in so long..... Last weekend I felt like I was coming down with something and was super cranky and totally not in the mood for checking in...... Ohhhh yeah, I know - I also went and scoped out the "refurbished" Indooroopilly mall. I like that mall for whatever reason, and now it's got some even nicer shops. It's been under re-construction for over a year now and they're just about finished, so I went to have a look. Nice. Most of the old mall is still there but with these shiny new bits sort of tacked on. So many shops, so little monies! 

And now, hmmm, the weekend before that.......... And the weekend before that....... I know one of those weekends I did a little more unpacking..........
Bookshelves... pre-books!
Moved some furniture around, unpacked the books and just put them in the bookshelves, haven't organized them yet or set up the photos....... and lots of cleaning... ... I know, new apartment, just moved in, how much cleaning can there possibly be?? The answer is not much, but when you let it stack up over a couple weekends, it takes a good day or so to get through it all. Did I mention I was thinking of hiring a cleaning service to come in like once every two weeks or so? Apparently they're only like $25 an hour and they'll do whatever you tell them to. Thinking about it........! It would sure free up at least one day where I could run around and do stuff! But that could be an excuse. I used to do lots of stuff in my first couple of years here, guess have just gotten lazy.......(as you can tell from the dwindling posts and photos.....)! Hmmmmm.... maybe next year's New Years Resolution? Tho we know how well those always end up........!

Really strange floating neon head from the Paddo Tavern.....
Ultimately, haven't been up to much. Which is a shame considering I have three free passes to the Palace Barracks Cinema that I really need to use before they expire on mah birthday! I'm a member of their movie club and every year they send two free passes and when you renew your membership they send you another free pass - so now I have three and only, like, a month to use them! The trick is finding the time after work or on the weekend somewhere, oh, and a movie worth the time and the free ticket! Hmmm. Guess I'll have to make time and just pick a movie - it's bloody FREE!

And let's see, what else..... Well, today was errand day. Took the poor little car out for a much needed spin, and a bath, for starters. Even filled the tires up with some desperately needed air. Their tire air machines here are really Poor neglected car......!cool (I shoulda taken a picture... damn) - all you do is + or - the PSI you need, stick the hose valve onto the tire valve and it does everything up to that PSI and beeps when it's done - coooooool! Because after what, two, three years I noticed the tires were starting to look a little, well, wilted. And boy did a little bit of air make a big difference! Happy tires! And then I realized it'd been at least six or so months since its last bath, so took it to the place we always go to, Hoppy's Handwash Cafe and had some college kids give a good once-over - and it came back absolutely amazing! Probably the best job they've ever done on it, and I've taken it there every time since I've been its new Mom. Awesome, shiny, clean, happy car! And then off we went down the road a little to Harvey Norman, the big electronics/housewares store down in these here parts. The end of June signals the end of the country's financial year, so, kinda like Black Friday in the US, all the stores, from car dealerships to bath towels, go positively bonkers with end of financial year sales. And Harvey Norman (or, as the locals call it, Hardly Normal) was having anKona does not approve of so many electronics purchases.
amazing finance deal - 50 months interest-free, no deposit. And here was me, just happening to be in the market for a new laptop, TV, dryer and even a little tablet computer (for traveling, you see...) and no dough........ Well. We came, we shopped, we financed. And most of it will all be delivered tomorrow, hopefully (please be after work....). Tho I did come home with the little whiz-bang tablet - a Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 - haven't played with it yet, but after signing off here, I'm totally gonna sit down and figure the little sucker out (eerrrrr, once it's charged up)! But the laptop has to be imported from another store across town and the TV and dryer (including the rarely if never purchased extended five year warranty because it's just a cheap, little dryer and they just don't build stuff to last anymore) are being dropped off by their courier company sometime tomorrow, which is fine by me because I didn't want to manhandle it out of mah car and up those stairs on mah own! So yes - will be modern, and dry, again if it kills me (or the bank account)! Hooray!

And that's really about it. Not much else to report........... Getting the finer points of mah visit up thataway nailed down, which makes it a little more exciting.... Gosh, I'll be there in like four weeks! YAY! So when I get back here will have to buy a bed for this little guest room and a smaller desk.... Was The living-room... For now.......!also thinking, a bit later down the track, of maybe hosting a little temporary foreign exchange college (or thereabouts) student.... Not that am needing the dough, but extra dough can always be helpful! So we'll see. A bit more research to go yet before hauling some poor foreign kid into mah place!

Otherwise, all is well. Even tho am still fluffing with where all the furniture goes, and even if I think I might need new furniture (am thinking a two-seater sofa with a sofa bed and a smaller, double bed for me....), am totally digging the new digs. So happy I moved. I mean, in a very small way, I kinda miss my
Mmmmmmmmmmm heat/cool!
old little place................ But never mind! This place comes with a fancee pants reverse-cycle heater/air-conditioner, which I ran for a little bit last night and have just fired up for tonight (economically set at 69 degrees). Now we'll wait and see how much this totally awesome modern comfort costs me when my power bill comes in August! But yeah, this place is the bees knees. One day when you come down here, you'll love it too!

So there you have it. Apologies for not checking in. I do always think about it every Sunday and feel guilty, or at least I feel like something's missing, if I don't check in. I hope you're all well up there - see you soooooooon! Waaaaaa-hoooooo!!!!!!!!

Grandma's flowers!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...