Monday, August 25, 2014

Return From Vacationland......!

Witch Creek Winery - Fence "Art" 2014

Well. It's been a while, hasn't it?! Ahhhhhh, yes, vacation has that effect on things...... Apologies for not checking in these last two weekends tho - that first weekend back was spent unpacking, tidying, kicking jet lag (trying to anyways) and getting ready for work. After four weeks away from work it's really something you have to get in the mood for, like it or not. But, we're here now! The sun is shining (after a few very rainy and chilly days), the birds are chattering away out there like they haven't seen each other for years, got the hip n' groovy jazz tunes along with a new, pretty decent sparkling wine Edinburgh Palace (by Philip Shaw) - life is good!

So work. Yep. Has been pretty good all of the first week I was back. Not overly busy, which is super nice for a first week and still suffering from jet lag just a little. Funny thing is, our little group was meant to move to our new building on the 25th of July, so while I was away. Meanwhile, one month later, we're still at the old building. That's how insignificant we are in the greaterHow our new office will seem from the inside..... scheme of things..... Apparently we move at the end of this week, so that should be fun. Although, after having just moved myself from one apartment to the other, this move should be cake because we don't have to do anything other than pack - sweeeet. And have scoped out our new digs and I've actually been issued a proper standing/height-adjustable desk! After, what, two years of kicking and screaming and flat-out refusing to "sit down like everyone else", common sense finally reigned supreme! Ah-mazing. Buuut, the big huge bummer about the new set-up is that the whole floor is "open plan", so me and the other guy who stands will be seen by everyone. Thankfully, he's six and a half feet tall, but we stand next to each other, right at the kitchen entrance. So really, it's gonna suck. A lot. But hey, I still have a real job so will just have to lump it until we win the lottery! 

Oh, and one more totally ah-mazing thing still on the work topic, brace yourself because this is incredible news, years in the making - my permanent residency application was approved on the 6th of August!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I am now a real-life Permanent Resident of the great country of Australia!!!!!!!!!!! AH-MAZING that Boing finally got it together after nearly four years. YAY! I'm pretty stoked. And I only need to have it for twelve months before I can apply for citizenship and then the country is my oyster! YAY! Really pretty cool.

And then there were some weekends in there...... Well, the trip home was really Grandma Mary L. Wilfing - April 8, 1930 - July 17, 2014good, super busy and a little sad. I missed seeing my Grandma in South Bend by less than 24 hours..... But we'd spoken the week before I left so I was glad for that. And I was glad that the whole trip to see her was already planned and that her memorial was timed just right for me to be able to be there. And it was really nice to see the Uncles, Aunts and cousins, even if just for a short time. Shame it was without Grandma, but nice so many folks came.

Otherwise, much Mexican (and diner) food was eaten, along with manyEl Indio welcome home lunch with Amaru! margaritas! It was really nice and fun to catch up with the family and friends, some of whom I hadn't seen in yeeeeeears! Yeah, it was a great trip. Am only sorry it went by so fast! And the other bummer is it'll be a couple years before I can get up there again..... Gotta save vacation time not to mention money..... and plus am really wanting to do some things around Australia... I've been here eight and a Muuuuch food and laughs with Katie and Katie!half years now (!) and still haven't seen Uluru or any of Western Australia yet! And then maybe I'll come back up there for a visit. But in the meantime, I have this nice, two-bedroom apartment in the city and I just bought a brand-spankin' new sofa bed with a fanceeee double inner spring mattress! So c'mon down y'all 'cos I can't afford to always come up thataways!!!

And then these last couple of weekends have been busy getting back into the swing of things, doing the usual boring weekend chores, even still a little more unpacking from The Move back at the beginning of May! I mean, really, I was only in the place like 8, 9 weeks before my trip, and with only so many hours on the weekends... Yeah, I still have stuff to unpack and even more to donate! Just because it's a bigger place, I totally don't want to clutter it!
My favorite - 5 rolled tacos w/ guacamole & a quesadilla w/ more guac! 
Otherwise, all is well. Happy to be back but I miss home and the people and the fooooood......! Ahhh well, next time! And I hope everyone is well up thataway. Get saving those pennies and c'mon down - winter is just about finished with spring around the corner - September 1st to be exact!!!!! So pack those bags and get down here already!

Disneyland - Toy Story Ride!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...