Sunday, September 29, 2013

Spring, No, Summer! A time for invasions and beachful thinking.......!

Happy Stairs! St. Philip's Plaza, TucsonHi!

Well. Here we are on yet another sunny Sunday afternoon. This has been the kind of day where you'd throw all the chores and errands to the wind and just go to the beach. And I would've done just that if I thought for a second all of Brisbane wouldn't be there at the same time. Not to mention, the traffic this evening coming back from said beaches would be murder. No, have decided to stay home, drink lemonade and enjoy the breeze, even if it is a little warm. Thankfully it hasn't been as furnace hot as it wasDon't worry little pup, I wish I was in there too........ earlier in the week. Yikes. It got to 93 degrees last Tuesday - and it's still only Spring!!!!!!! Oh well. I have to keep reminding myself that beautiful, perfect winters are why we endure gross summers. I only wish summer didn't have to start so early........! But never mind, we're here now - the birds were sure chatty this morning, some extra keen to chat before the sun was even up (looking at you Kookaburra family....), Kona's making sure the couch doesn't float up to the ceiling, have got a lovely glass of stand-by white wine, got hip n' groovy jazz tunes from you-know-where, the breeze is blowing, and seeing as we're at the hottest part of the day and it's not too bad furnace-wise, ahhhhhhhhh yes, life is good!

Thankfully, the bid department is never this organized. Or shiny.So work. Yep. Is good. Bit quiet, but I can always find something to do. There were hoof-beats that the bid people were going to be in need of an editor, no, scratch that, an editor to format - but that danger has passed and I escaped unscathed - yay! Still no word or paperwork from HR about my job or anything else they were sent off to do. No surprise there. 'Expect incompetency' is how I've come to view the most useless department our organization. Otherwise, all is well. Always happy to have gainful employment while I can!!!!!!!!!!!

And then there were the weekends. Sorry for not checking in last weekend. I know I vowed to check in even if nothing remotely
Mummies! Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYCinteresting happened, but I felt so bad because it was so boringly nothing that I didn't want to punish all two of you out there! Last weekend was pretty quiet, as you may have guessed. Didn't get up to much at all. I swear - some weeks am dead tired and other weeks am not. It's weird. Guess maybe I should try going to bed earlier during the week, that way I don't spend my weekends sleeping and just fluffing around........... I did have a tiny mid-week excursion to Ikeland with my friend Kim. I think we went just so we could catch up and buy dishtowels. It was actually pretty nice (I should totally know the name of this sculpture by now......), Brisbaneto be there on a mid-week evening (Thursday and Friday nights they're open "late" - 9pm - woooooo), the place wasn't full of big families (members and weights) with howling, free-range babies and toddlers. It was actually a way different crowd - I think it must've been some UN-sponsored shopping evening as nearly every nation on the planet was well-represented. It was actually kinda fun.

But the rest of this weekend has been busy with the chores, serious this time because this Thursday the Palace is having an invasion from a real estate monkey and an owner. We
Making the best with what I have!
have these little invasions every few months. Considering three out six apartments have been here for a good number of years and not once have they found anything amiss (quite the opposite in fact - it's us who always point out things that are amiss, which they promptly ignore, yet the rent goes up anyway), I always wonder why they bother. But I guess they just like to see how we have our places decorated and if anyone bought any new toys. As you all are well aware by now, I hate these bloody invasions. I have to take a whole day off of work, waste my one free day off a month, to babysit two idiots as they wander through my little place judging and peeking inside my shower (why???!). And do you know, by law they're allowed to do this every twelve weeks?! Crazy. 

Tidying up ain't always pretty! And today has just been tidying up little bits and finishing the laundry. Like I said, it's absolutely the kind of day to go and wiggle your toes in some sand while waves crash only a few feet away......... Now if only I could afford my own little beach house with my own little ~private~ beach (looking at you families with howling, free-range children) I'd be writing to you from there!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh it sure is fun to dream about winning the lottery.............!

Anyways, hope you're all well up there! I see folks are gearing up for Halloween.... I wish they did Halloween here,Cool, little street sculpture, Brisbane but no. Every now and then you'll hear about a couple of kids who made a half-hearted attempt to go trick or treating but it's nothing compared with the US. They just don't go in for that stuff down here, which is kind of a bummer. Every year tho the grocery store has a great big box of pumpkins right smack in the middle of the produce section, but they're like $40 each, and not very big. Hmmmm. I'll have to get online and buy a bunch of Halloween decorations from Walgreens or Target or wherever and have them shipped to me here and decorate the outside of the little apartment - maybe I'd even get a couple trick or treaters! Hmmmmmmmmmmm! Will totally have to have a look after checking in........!!!

Qantas Premium Economy - Because you're worth it!Speaking of the Motherland, I'm thinking of coming up for a visit around the end of July/August like this last time, so if anyone's around and wants to catch up, drop me a line! I figure as long as I have a decent job that wants to keep me around, I'll be able to come up and visit on a more regular basis like a normal person. Cool! In the meantime, feel free to scope out your own tickets - the window of nice weather opens up again around March, April until November.... So c'mon down!

Happy resident at the Tucson Desert Museum!

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Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...