Sunday, September 01, 2013

It Can't Always Be Vaction-Time...............

Lobby ceiling art, Bellagio hotel, Las Vegas, 2013

Well. Here we are, another stunning Sunday afternoon. It's the first official day of spring down here in the Southern Hemisphere and the weather over the last couple of weeks (well, gee, at least since I've been back, which is two weeks now (only two weeks?!)) has been absolutely perfect. Starting to warm up a little more and the sun is rising earlier and earlier - yay no more getting up in pitch dark! The birds are happier, the plants are happier, although I don't think the possum living in the ceiling above my bathroom thinks so highly of more daylight hours (oh well, toooo bad).

But I should apologize for checking in late - again. Y'know, I started the year promising to myself that I'd check in every weekend, news or no news. And
Resident at the South Bend History Museum.......
tho I knew I'd be away for a month (hooray vay-cay-shun!), I figured I'd still check in with lots of details, if not during mah trip certainly when I got back. And now I look at the numbers of all the posts according to year/month and it looks like I failed at that little resolution. For cryin' out loud it's the end of August already. Wow. But don't get me wrong, I like writing this little missive once a week. It's fun and certainly beats sending out lots of emails with photo attachments, which is why I got into this little blog lark in the first place. I know that most of the time my little stories and routine are really rather dull....... you try summing up a usual home-work-home week in your life and see if it's Super Exciting!

But never mind, we're here now. The birds are out there happily running their
Ahhhhhhhhhh, the life!
little errands (eat those bugs!), Kona is happily stretched across most of the couch (I swear he's half dog, half Viking), the bats have settled someplace around the neighborhood which makes for even livelier sunsets/evenings, have got the cool glass of sparkling wine this time, and of course all to the hip n' groovy jazz tunes from my fave internet radio station ever - ahhhhhhh, life is good!

So work. Yep. Is pretty good. Was super busy for a bit there right after I got back, which is why I think I was unable to check in last weekend - I must've
Me, at work - typical day at the office..... No, not really. Almost tho....
been absolutely beat from my first week back at work, and I know for a fact I was still trying to kick that pesky jet lag. So by the time the weekend came, I was dead. All week long it was all I could do to get home from work on the bus in the evenings let alone stay awake past 7pm! But yes, work is good. Before I left to go on vacation they'd threatened to "transition" me to a being permanent person instead of this contract stuff, but that has yet to happen. And they've also threatened to support my permanent residency application too. Again, that hasn't happened either. Ahhhhhh HR, so far they have yet to show me what it is they really do....... So, all do know is I am for the most part pretty busy and that my contract ends in March. Fingers crossed something goods happens before then......?!

And then there were the weekends. Well, last weekend was a bit of a fizzle -
Garden art, Uncle Greg's house, South Bend, 2013
of my energy that is. Come Saturday, all I really felt like doing was fluffing around the house (laundry, dishes, unpacking - still), went to the grocery store, and then sat on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the day. Felt a heck of a lot better for it that's for sure! And get this - I specifically bought Oreos (something I haven't done since I was like 16) to celebrate my lazy day on the couch with movies and I was too tired to get up, put them on a plate with a glass of milk. I know, sad. But I was so damn tired.

Sunday I felt I'd finally nipped that ol' jet lag in the bud and managed to get
Watch that productivity go!
a little more done, like a quick trip to the charity donation bin with two bags of clothes and shoes (yay, more room for mah new clothes!), paid some much-needed attention to my few little plants, got mah pile of ironing done and even more laundry happily washed and dried. Ahhhhh, it was a fairly productive day!

And this weekend has been all the chores I've neglected to do last weekend. But in saying that, some stuff I had fantasies of doing, like washing the car and taking it for a tour around the 'hood, going to the grocery store, returning my DVDs, meh...... Besides, even just thinking about washing mah car the sky filled with clouds! And c'mon, who wants to spend all that time washing their car only to watch the heavens open half an hour later? So I though checking in would be a much more productive way to spend the afternoon.......

International Adventures! Not really, it's just the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas!
So there you go. Another non-stop thrills and fun-filled weekend this has been........ Hey, if one of you fair readers wants to spring for the cost of a maid service, I'll get out there every weekend and have all the adventures my little fingers could write about! Errrr, that and if you could float me an extra twenty years on the odometer I'd have the energy to work full-time and then go on 48 hours of Adventures every weekend! Ha!

Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there. I hear it's gotten hot again - ha, it wasn't when I was there - dodged that little bullet! Well, if you find yourself with a couple grand in your pocket and a couple weeks of spare time, the weather here is absolutely perfect. Your window is open until, roughly, November/December, when it's a disgustingly hot and humid, utterly miserable summer until around March/April, then your window of perfect weather opens again. So c'mon down! Love to show you the place - it's awesome!

Well, this is kind of self-explanatory, isn't it?

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...