Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hot Enough to Bake a Cheesecake!

Festive junk mail!

Well. Here we are. Not Sunday afternoon like usual, but Saturday afternoon........ Not that it really matters. Tomorrow is supposed to get up to a blazing, mind-melting 95 degrees with at least 60%+ humidity, and today is about a third of that temperature, so I thought I'd get in while I can. Poor little laptop can only cope with so hot. But anyways, here we are - slightly early but late. Sorry for not checking in last weekend - it was hot! And I was a busy bee with the chores and baking (why I always decide to bake on the hottest days of the year is a mystery). Thankfully, today has a lovely cool breeze and lots of clouds that have been threatening to rain for what seems like a month now and nothing has happened yet....... Anyways, here we are with some hip n'Cooler, not actually very cool, but still he hopes.....groovy jazz tunes, a lovely cool glass of Story Bay semillon sauvignon blanc (a new stand-by for summer!), the birds are out there darting around trying to keep up with the breezes and still get to where they need to be. The Lorikeets are back for the summer in all their frantic screechy colorful glory, I love them even tho they wake me up at, oh, dawn. And bats. The 'hood has had a ton of bats over the last few months, which I don't mind as long as they hang out (literally!) in someone else's trees. Thankfully, they don't seem to like palm trees as much as normal trees, and the Palace has nothing but palms....... Anyways, the place is bursting with winged wildlife, good breezes, lovely wine, cool tunes - life is good!

Tougher job than mine.
So work. Yep. Is good. Quiet, but good. Still no word about my job (permanent or contract extension again in March) or the PR stuff. Tho the HR chick is apparently "doing something", which really just says to me, in my head, that all she's really doing is doodling on a pad of paper, wishing she was pregnant already so she could drop this whole pesky work stuff and go on maternity leave. So, in other words, nothing is happening. Status quo - which is the most I can expect from that vacuum of competence that is HR! Otherwise, work is good tho a bit quiet. We're getting to the end of the year and our customer always hammers us with a ton of work to keep us entertained over the holidays and into next year, so we're just waiting for that bundle of fun. As always, I don't mind as long as I have gainful employment! 

And then there were the weekends..... Well, last, last week was kinda fun - that Wednesday evening I met my friend Kim and her parents, who are over visiting from the Land of the Long Wet Cloud, New Zealand, for dinner before the three of us (minus Dad who went for a walk/nap in the car) went to see Grease - Sandy's stand-in.the musical Grease over at QPAC. Now, there's a reason I don't do musicals, live or in any form, and now I remember why. I mean, don't get me wrong, I quite liked the movie when it first came out, Olivia and John were awesome. So I was kind of hoping for something similar with this musical. Nope. They basically bounced, literally, from song to song with the faintest nod to the story...... Ehhhh. It was a super fun night out but I wish I hadn't paid for it..... Oh well. It was great to see Kim, I think the last time we caught up was early in the year, and to see her parents again, they're pretty cool if not a little screwy in the head for not buying a house over here already (why, when they can stay with their daughter......?!)! 

Then that next day, Thursday, I had to waste a perfectly good day off to supervise the real estate agent and her little blonde minion/trainee while they But I'm innocent!pawed through my little apartment for their tri-annual invasion. Thankfully, they were less interested in eyeballing my shower and cupboards like they usually love to do, and more interested in gossiping about the new neighbors, mainly the gaggle of middle eastern boys/students(?) that moved in to my old apartment downstairs, and to point excited, accusing fingers at my apparent leaking washing machine into the ceiling of the apartment downstairs. Well. I said it'd be pretty hard to miss such a leak that could get through their ceiling, but to no avail. So the next day I had to rush home early from work to supervise not only the owner, who fancies himself a handyman (serious fail), but the world's most expensive and questionably competent plumber while they looked/felt all through my kitchen (and bedroom (?)) for water leaks, via the cool flashlight app on the plumber's cell phone. Why buy an expensive moisture meter/indispensable plumber's tool and a proper heavy-duty flashlight when you have two hands (to feel for damp surfaces) and a flashlight app?! Good grief. Needless to say there was no leak to be found. I could've told them that, and did, numerous times, but no one listens to the gal who lives here. Back down to Luise's apartment to stare at the ceiling aNo, they're not cute. Housebreaking pee monsters. little more..... Long story short, I deduced that there was a family of possums/rats/mice huddled within the little pocket of space between her ceiling and my floor, for whatever reason, and peed a lot. Again, there were nods of heads but no real acknowledgement. I continued and told them I'd come to this conclusion from having lived with them in my ceiling for six years, with graphic details of how their pee runs down the walls in my bathroom. More nods and not much else. This is what I have to deal with on a regular basis. To quote a famous internet cat, "I'm surrounded by morons". Indeed.

Then there was this weekend, or at least the first half of the weekend so far...... Chores, laundry ironing, and maybe some more baking. Heh, or maybeShoe-tree. Literally. I should wait until tomorrow when the kitchen will be at least 95 degrees to do my baking.....! But last week's experiment, first cheesecake I've made in the little ol' trusty toaster oven, turned out a smashing success (and the neighbors were well pleased too)! Yay! This experiment I want to take a stab at making a cheesecake in muffin tins (or in my case, silicon), three with and three without cupcake liners, crust and all, just to see how they turn out........ I'm just thinking quick and easy gifts to bring to dinners and work lunches...... And easy to freeze and defrost them, which I just did with slices of this last cheesecake and again, a smashing success! In fact, I dare say freezing them the next day is almost better than letting a whole one go soggy and mushy. Well, if you're not going to eat it that same day or so that is. Yay! it's weird tho, I'm noticing a pattern where every summer I start baking. WTF. It's 95 degrees and 80% humidity for four months, why do my baking then and not during the winter? I have no idea. It's just weird and I can't explain it. Longer daylight hours maybe? No idea.

Anyways, all is well down here! We're all disappointed that we only had a week or My god I wish I still lived of spring and have now dived head first into summer, nearly two months early. That's a big bummer because summer won't really be over until March or so. That's a long time to cope with 95 degrees+ with 70%+ humidity - and no air-conditioning. I might have to consider getting something because I only get two days off a week and to waste most of them in a heat-and-humidity-induced coma is a crime. We'll think on it....... Otherwise, I hope you're all well up there! C'mon down any time! Well, any time after March that is........!

Happy Hibiscus!

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Eating Pizza and Reading eBooks with Crickets on New Rugs.......!

Hi! Well. Here we are, waaaay late but I guess that was expected............. am sorry. I've planned on checking in each week...